Chapter 4

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It was the next day after what became know as the Sludge villain incident which was all over the news and everyone in school was talking about the mysterious black cat who had saved Katsumi and later Izuku found out the other girl was Shoka Todoroki who was the nr. 2 hero Endeavour's daughter. The day went as normal for Izuku.

Time skip to lunch time.

Izuku was just sitting under a tree listening to music and eating his cup noodles with chicken and bacon bites. When he heard someone yelling his name. Izuku removed his headphones to see a boy in his class running towards him, though when he got closer he slowed down and stopped a few feet away just to make sure that Izuku didn't attack him bc by now he had a reputation at school for attacking anyone who dared to challenge, bully, talk bad or try to break his headphones.

Izuku: You gonna tell me why you were looking for me, or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?

Random boy: W-w-well The p-p-pro hero Eraser head and p-p-principal Nezzy are here to recruit students to UA and they heard a-a-a-ab-b-b-bout y-your reputation f-f-from the other schools and a-a-asked me to b-b-bring you to the principals office so they could t-t-talk to you.

Izuku was surprised that the underground hero and the principal of UA had heard about his reputation and was even more surprised that they actually want to talk to him.

Izuku: Ok. Give me a sec.

After Izuku got ready he let the random boy lead him to the principals office where Eraser head and Nezzy were already waiting for him.

Nezzy: So you must be Izuku Midoriya I have heard a lot about you.

Izuku: Thank you, but I'm guessing you heard about me through the other school girls who I have fought.

Nezzy: That is true and I must admit I was not expecting you to be able to beat up a bunch of girls who have powerful quirks, more over a boy who surprisingly took down the sluge villain with ease or what you say about it, Black cat.

Everyone in the room including Izumi and Katsumi who were eavesdropping were in shock, well except Izuku and Eraser.

Izuku: Well I'm not that surprised that you figured out my secret, with you being the smartest being in Japan, if not in the world. Although I am curious on how you found out about my alter ego.

Nezzy: Well if you are that curious then I might as well tell you, you see it happened a few weeks ago when we were first looking for students to attend UA.

Flashback a few weeks before. Nezzy and Eraser were at a school a few hours away from Izuku's school.

Eraser: Remind me again why you brought me along.

Nezzy: Because. You have a Cein eye for those who have potential for the hero course.

As they are walking past a corner they overhear a bunch of girls talking in corner.


Girl 4: Oh, Shut up! He was much stronger than us with that black cat quirk of his.

Girl 3: Yeah! And besides you weren't there so you don't know anything.

Girl 2: Literally! You weren't even there so you have no say in this!

The two had heard the conversation and the conversation immediately caught their interest.

Nezzy: Excuse me lady's for budding in but me and eraser heard your little talk and were wondering what you were talking about.

Girl 2: AH! Oh! S-s-sorry ma'am y-y-you s-see 3 w-w-weeks ago me and the girls heard a rumor that a boy at Aldera Junior High had resived a quirk/ power and s-s-so w-w-we went to check it out and f-f-f-found the boy beating one of our c-c-c-classmates in a fight and so we c-c-c-challenged him to a fight to put h-h-h-him in h-h-his place b-b-b-but instead we were the ones who got beat up. S-s-so f-f-far no one has been able to beat him and who had dared to challenge him were sent to the hospital and had broken bones, dislocated joints and internal bleeding.

Girl 4: Not to mention, whoever dared to bully any  other boys near him were left with bad scars like the one he left on my sister. *Points to the scar on her sisters left eye*

Aizawa: Oof. That is a bad scar.

Random Girl: Everyone, Come quick Jackson has challenged the black cat to a fight

(Meh: BTW That is the nickname people have given Izuku)

Aizawa: Black Cat?

Girl 3: T-t-that's the nickname that people h-h-have g-given him.

They walked to the back of the school to see the students gathered around in a circle surrounding two people. One was a girl with short blond hair and brown eyes who had an angry expression on her face the other was a boy with raven black hair except for his neon green hair streak, emerald green eyes who had a look of annoyance on his face.

Random Girl: "Welcome boys and girls to the black cat vs Jackson showdown. On the left corner we have our schools very own Lazuly Jackson (Weird name I know, don't come At me!) the one who no one in our school has managed to beat so far. Will she keep that title or will her reign end in this very moment?" The crowd of students cheered. "And in the left corner we have the one and only, the first male to have a quirk/power, The Black Cat! The one who has been climbing the ranks and beating the s*t out of everyone who has dared challenge him, will he prove everyone wrong that males can be hero's and Take the throne of fighters? Let's find out tonight!"

The crowd goes wild.

Random Girl: "Fighters, are you ready?!"

Jackson: Bring it on you cat Freak!

Izuku: What ever, Let's just get this over with.

They get into fighting positsions and get ready to fight and so the fight began and right off the bat Izuku was beating Jacksons a**, showing no mercy while dodging her attacks with ease and finishing the fight fairly quickly and knocking Jackson unconscious.

They get into fighting positsions and get ready to fight and so the fight began and right off the bat Izuku was beating Jacksons a**, showing no mercy while dodging her attacks with ease and finishing the fight fairly quickly and knocking Jackson ...

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Random Girl: And Jackson has been defeated! Black cat is put an end to Jacksons reign and taken the crown of fighters!

The crowd went balistics but the black cat was just annoyed and just left.

Back to the present

Nezzy: And here we are now.

Izuku: *hmh* That explains everything. But that brings me to my next question. Why did you want to talk to me about?

Aizawa: Well we also figured out you were the one who has been sending us info on the villain organizations who have been trying to rise up.

Izuku: Oh, Yeah! That I did do. But what does that have to do with you wanting to talk to me.

Nezzy: Well you are an excelente fighter, you are very intelligent, sneaky and are always aware of things around you and have a great power in you hands. Which makes you a very big enemy to any sort of villain and we have been looking for a way to get men back into their rightful place in society and so we would like to ask you to join UA's hero program.

To say Izuku was surprised was an understatement in fact he. was. shoock  and so were the two tormentors behind the door.

izuku: I would be honored to join UA.

Nezzy: Glad to hear it. The entrance exam starts in a few months, see you there!

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