Chapter 3

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Izuku is now 8 years old and still attends the same school. Still goes through with Katsmui and Izumis bull*it and yelling and her trying to do damage to him even though he told her that her explosions aren't hot enough to bruise him just powerfull enough to send him flying and/or ripping his school uniform.

Izuku would've gone bankrupt if the school didn't have an abundance of clothes in supply...with his exact same size...disturbing.and he always returned to see the girls and a few boys with nose bleeds.

Izuku was just packing his bag, with his headsets around his neck. Fun fact 2 months ago Izuku found that his headsets were near indestrutible.

Izumi threw it off the side off a cliff.

Izuku was just finishing his 30 mile run, he was wearing a white t-shirt with shorts. With his signature red jordan shoes. Which was also plot armour protected. he then sat down on the sand, music blasting his ears, the rising heat of the sun on his skin, with the cool wind blowing his face as his black hair whipped around him. (fun fact his hair had turned black about 2 weeks after he snapped)

after a few hours of sitting and shilling he looked at his watch and saw that it was about 6 o'clock in the afternoon and so decided to head home and decided to take a short cut though a tunnel, when he reached the other side he saw a bunch of heroes  standing in one spot in fighting potitions.

Mt. Lady: The street is too small, I would just cause destruction.

Death arms: I can't use my quirk eather bc I would just hurt those girls.

Kamui Woods: I can't do anything eather.

Izuku was confused on what was going on and decided to climb on top of a building and saw Katsumi and a nother girl with white and red hair in the grasp of some sort of sludge villain and surounded by a wall of fire.

Izuki: Please, save my freind!

Fuyumi: Please, save my little sister!

Izuku jumped of of the building into an allyway knowing egsactly what to do.

Izuku: Let's just hope no one notices who I truly am. *Yells* Plagg, claws out!!!

At the same time the two girls were strugeling to brake free.


Vicky: We are live at the incident where a sludge villain captured by All Mighty has escaped and has two hostages, the heroes can not currently do anything in fear of hurting innocent citysins or the two captured girls. Wait! What is that!

In a blink of an eye neon green strings bursted into the sludge villain giving the two girls a chance to escape. The heros were confused when all of a sudden everyone saw something they didn't thing they would ever see. There in front of them stood a black figure seeming to take the apearance of a black cat not looking at anyone but the sludge villain the person seemed to be wearing a black leather bodysuit with leather ears and in some spots his suit was green with a black belt resembling a tail and a light blue bell with cat paws on it the persons eyes seemed to be glowing a toxic green.

Vicky: Looks like a mysterious person has appeared on the battle field, but is this person a hero or a villain?? Let's find out.

Izuku's POV.

As I enter the tunnel the slime attempts to attack me, but I acted fast and dodged with a flip and used my Batan to swing off the wall. and kicked the villain in the eye.

Sludge: Damn you brat those were my meat shields!!

After dodging another attack I went to a fire hydrant and kicked it with my foot breaking it in half. As water was in the air I spun my batan in a circle and used it to put out the fire wall. i went back into the tunnel even though the pros were yelling at me to come back.

Kamui Woods: Who is this kid?!

Mt Lady: I don't know but he looks cute.

Death Arms: Well he's gonna get hurt, we should step in 

Izuku: DON'T! If he gets you he'll use your quirks to hurt innocent people!!!

The pros were in shock to hear this so they stood back.

Vicky: As we see this mysterious person is single handily taking on the sludge villain

???: TEXAS SMASH!!!!

I saw All Mighty came in and defeat the the sludge villain and put her in a bottle. She then turned to me:

All Mighty: Nice work kid!

The people in the crowd cheered as the pros were approaching me so I grabbed a smoke grenade and said.


I then turned into my cat form and ran into a nearby allyway and staid there until I was sure the cost was clear then I turned out of my cat form and said.

Izuku: Claws in.

I then de-transformed and went home.

Izuku the black cat heroWhere stories live. Discover now