Chapter 5

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Izuku woke up and saw that today was the entrance exam. He changed into his work out clothes and put on a simple gray jacket.

Izuku: Hmm, I think I will take my motorcycle so I won't have to deal with Izumi and Katsumi's Bull*t.

Izuku had a small breakfast, said goodbye to his to his mom and went to his bike. (Just pretend It's neon green)

He rode to UA's lot and went to see this

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He rode to UA's lot and went to see this.

He was knocked out of his thoughts by a sertain angry polmerainian

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He was knocked out of his thoughts by a sertain angry polmerainian.


And so Izuku side stepped to get out of her way.He continued walking and all Izuku could see were the various girls looking at him and giggling to themselves. Some comments were that he was hot or that "Is that who I think it is", kind of thing. Izuku saw a girl trip and about to fall. He rushed in and caught her.

Izuku: Careful, wouldn't want you to get bad luck for tripping on the exam.

Izuku took the time to take in her looks to see she had brown bob cut hair and permanent blush.

Ochaco: Thank you, I'm Ochaco Uraraka.

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku. Well we better get going or else well be late.

They walk in and Izuku sits the farthest seat away from Katsumi and Izumi.

???: Hello ladies!!!

They see it is Present Mic

They see it is Present Mic

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Izuku the black cat heroWhere stories live. Discover now