Fire blacks out during huntin'/Edge helps suppress Fire's painful flashbacks

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Around 9:30p

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Around 9:30p.m., the wolves were out hunting animals and Fire attacked a buffalo. She ripped it to shreds and the flashbacks of Damian turning her into a werewolf came back to her. She started screaming and put her hands to her head. Her nails got sharper and her eyes turned gold, then, black, and she ate every piece of meat out of the buffalo. She put her bloody hands on both sides of her head and fell to her knees.

Cassie: Fire, if you run, you'll be fair game to us.

Damian: Fire--.

Human Fire ran in her flashback and Damian grabbed her. He bit the side of her neck hungrily and her screams echoed throughout the woods. The flashbacks became even more painful when she transformed into a werewolf. Damian and the others ran towards Fire and the right side of her neck glowed from where Damian bit her. An imprint of a bow and arrow through a heart appeared on the side of her neck. Damian held onto her and she bit the side of his neck hungrily. He screamed and knocked her out quick-like. 

Thirty minutes later, Damian was standing in the middle of Edge and Beth's living room holding Fire and they walked towards him and Fire.

Beth: So, we finally get to meet The Supreme Being, Damian, and under these circumstances?

Damian: Sorry to disappoint you, but yes, apparently, her painful flashbacks forces her to black out, and attack me. I need you to stop'em before they get out of hand.

Beth: Follow me.

They went upstairs to the attic and Damian laid Fire down on the table. Beth and Edge cuffed Fire's wrists and ankles to the table.

Damian: I've never seen this side of her before.

Edge (mixing the ingredients into a paste): She's been tryna fight those flashbacks, ever since, you turned her, Damian, and now, they're unstoppable for her to control. You turnin' her into one of us, and how you did it, that's what's bringin' out her vengeful side again.

Beth: You turned her into a werewolf when she was half-dead, Damian, but you saved her in the end.

Fire woke up and tried to get out of the chains. She started hyperventilating and Damian got beside her.

Fire: Damian, I didn't mean to bite you, I'm sorry. Can you tell me what's goin' on?

Damian: Some friends of ours are gonna help you put an end to your painful flashbacks.

Edge: We're sorry to meet you under these circumstances, Fire, but my name is Edge, and this is my wife, Beth Phoenix. We can't let you outta those chains.

Fire: Why not?

Beth: Your flashbacks are unstoppable, Fire, and they're out of your control. They're startin' to control you and you can't fend them off like you used to. We're here to help you with that.

Fire: I'm not even gonna ask how. I'm just gonna--.

Her flashbacks came back to her and she let out a scream. Edge put the paste on both sides of her head and started chanting. Twenty minutes later, Fire stopped screaming and the paste disappeared from the sides of her head. He uncuffed Fire from the table and Damian picked up the sleeping Fire.

Beth: Let us know if it worked or not.

Damian: We will. I thought you guys would be out huntin', tonight.

Edge: We've already had enough fun for one day.

Damian: You guys take care.

Edge: You, too.

Damian orbed out of their house and back to werewolf headquarters. He cleaned himself and Fire up and laid Fire down in the bed.

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