Fire reads her parents' letter

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Fire's hands started to shake nervously and Damian put his hands on her shaking wrists. He turned her face towards his and gave her a 20-minute passionate kiss. She unfolded the letter and started reading it to herself.

Cassie: You can read it out loud, Fire.

Her and Roman had worried looks on their faces and Fire read the letter to them out loud. This is what the letter said. Dear Fire, By the time, you get this letter, we'll be already dead. We decided to wait for you to leave to go off to college to study abroad and that's where you would meet Damian Priest. We know about Damian's true form and nature, Fire. The wolves have been running this town for years to come and they noticed that we were slowly dying from throat and stomach cancer. We couldn't stand the pain anymore, Fire, and we didn't wanna be a burden on you. So, we asked the wolves if they could turn us into one of them, and Damian told us that that's against the rules. Your father and I decided to get torn to pieces by the wolves, and how we did that is the worst thing a person can ever do to an animal, take someone that they care about, and torture them, until, they came. We took your friend, Cassie, and placed her in a cage. We tortured her with electricity and whips. Don't blame the wolves for our demise, Fire. We were sick in our heads, our bodies, and our minds, and we just wanted to end this pain that our cancer brought to us. When the wolves came, all of them were furious including Damian, and your father and I brought Cassie out halfway dead. Before they could attack us, your father and I asked Damian to keep protecting you, to not harbor a grudge that we did to one of the members of his family against us nor to pass that grudge onto you, and we asked him if he could change you before the cancer could get to you next. He promised us, and then, he gave us what we wanted, an easy death that involved us getting torn to pieces. Damian saw right through our little charade and he still did it. Your father and I wanted to die that bad to the point that we would get ripped to shreds by werewolves. Your father also wanted Damian to be your mate, and we apologized to the wolves including Cassie for what we did to her before they ended us. Fire, when you read this letter, you will probably be a werewolf, by now, the Supreme Being, Damian's Mate, and the Queen of the Wolves, but please, forgives us for wanting to take the cowardly way out by forcing the wolves to do what they did to us. We just wanted to be free from our pain and to not be a burden on you anymore. Find it in your heart to forgive us. We love you. Love, Your Parents 

Fire was already crying when she made it to the part about her parents' having cancer while she was gone. Cassie held onto her and they held onto each other. Fire started screaming while experiencing Cassie's torture and the torture finally ended after 3 hours. Fire's nose was bleeding again and she saw the wolves kill her parents. The flashback ended and Cassie wiped the blood from Fire's nose.

Cassie: Fire, we're sorry.

Fire: No, don't be, it's not your fault. I'm angry at them because they made you guys come out of your character and they wanted to be selfish about their deaths. Werewolves aren't supposed to kill innocent people and I was so close to becomin' a renegade werewolf. I can't be here, right now, I'm sorry.

She got up and walked out of the library.

All three of them (in unison): Fire.

She orbed to her treehouse and Cassie looked at Damian.

Cassie: Well, now, what?

Damian: Give her some time to herself, right now. 

Roman: Damian, you should know Fire, by now. If we give her too much time, she's just gonna run off, and who knows what might happen next. Cassie was tortured by Fire's parents, Fire's parents knew what they were doin', and Fire doesn't even know if she can ever forgive them or not for what they made us do. 

Cassie: We think you should go talk to her, Damian, please.

Damian wiped her tears away from her face and they hugged each other. He kissed the top of her head and let out a sigh.

Damian: Okay, I'll talk to her, but if she bites my head off, and I'm dead within an hour, you have to kill her.

He said the last part jokingly and Cassie and Roman laughed at him.

Cassie & Roman (in unison): It's a deal. 

Damian: I'll be back.

He walked away and orbed onto Fire's treehouse balcony.

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