Ch 10 - The Original Man

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Alfie. Or Elliot. Or Keira. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


I awoke the next morning to my phone ringing. Bleary eyed, I checked it and found an unknown number glaring back at me. I swiped the screen, expecting a cold caller, I was surprised when I heard Alfie's smooth voice down the line.

"It still takes you forever to wake up then?" As always, his voice washed over me, settling on my skin like the richest of silk.

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes, still half asleep.

"I've been calling for fifteen minutes." Where once being made to wait would have annoyed him, today his tone was full of amusement.

"Oh...what's up?"

"Can I see you? I need to discuss something." His words jolted me awake. Seeing Alfie face to face was not something I felt prepared for.

"You can't do that over the phone?"

"I can if you'd prefer but it's...sensitive," he sounded hesitant. I stared up at the ceiling thinking it was way too early to be dealing with Alfie's drama. "I'm outside your place, right now."

I closed my eyes, teeth clenching. "Of course you are." Why wasn't I surprised he'd just shown up uninvited after promising me he would stay away?

"You don't have to -"

"Whatever, Alfie. I'll be out in a minute." I hung up and pulled myself out of bed, anger churning in my stomach. I was tempted to tell him to go to hell but I knew what would come next. Him banging on my door or pulling some other crap to get me to see him.

He'd been back in my life for all of a few days and here I was again, being manipulated. Sure, he'd been about to say I didn't have to come out and see him, but did I really believe he would mean that? Did I, hell. By meeting him, I'd opened the door to his bullshit which is exactly what I'd been afraid would happen.

Five minutes later my teeth were brushed...and that was as much effort I put into my appearance. My oversized pyjamas hung loose on my body and my hair was still a wreck from a night of tossing and turning, worrying about Alfie.

I stepped out into the daylight and sure enough, there he was, leaning against a sleek car I couldn't name the make of, Ray Bans shielding me from his penetrative gaze, though I felt it all the same. was definitely way too early for my system to handle Alfie.

I met him on the pavement, smoothing my face into a still mask.

"What's going on?" I asked, cutting straight to the point.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, what's going on?" I repeated, refusing to be sidetracked into niceties. The corner of his mouth tilted in amusement.

"Riley told me that he's Ryan's father." Wow, Riley moved quickly. I held my breath, waiting for whatever came next. "I just wanted to reassure you face to face that I won't be using that to manipulate you in any way."

I found myself wishing I could see his eyes. He was so much harder to read when they were hidden. Did he mean what he said? I had no idea. I was just going to have to take him at his word. If he was lying then I'd handle that drama when it came.

"Okay." I said, shrugging.


"What else should I say? Am I supposed to thank you for not manipulating me?" I snapped, the harsh bite clear in my voice, making Alfie pause for a moment.

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