Ch 21 - Ghosts Aren't Real

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Alfie. Or Elliot. Or Keira. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


We caught up with our friends, their laughter echoing through the backstairs we wound through. This had to be the most thrilling experience of my life.

The noise from the party grew and suddenly, Damien threw open a door ahead. Keira, Maia, and the other Tellers followed him out onto a balcony to a round of raucous applause.

Suddenly nervous, I paused, but as always, Alfie was there, his hand slipping into mine. I looked up at him and for just a second, the world disappeared just like it used to. It faded away until there was only his eyes on me, his skin on mine, here in the dark of the back stairs.

For a moment, all the badness faded away and we were just us again. I was his and he was mine and nothing else mattered. But the cheers broke through, his steady gaze reassured me, and I gave him a nod. Facing forward, I stepped out onto the balcony and.... holy crap. What alternative word had I just stepped into?

I was almost eye to eye with a chandelier and below was a sea of tuxedos and gowns. Gowns of soft lilac and pastel pinks. Keira and Maia were going to blend in perfectly but I was going to stick out like a sore thumb.

I glanced at Keira, a giddy grin on her face. Maia seemed surprisingly calm. Suddenly, the crowd hushed and, without turning, I knew why. I heard Damien chuckle for a heartbeat before the room erupted, the cheers deafening me. Alfie's arm snaked around my waist as he looked out at the hundreds of people below. The reaction shouldn't astound me but it did. He hadn't been here in twelve years but he hadn't been forgotten. That both impressed and appalled me.

He bent and I shivered as his whispered breath tickled my ear. "You stay at my side, O'Connell."

I tilted my head back and looked up at him. "They don't scare me."

Ignoring the cheers, all eight of us rounded the balcony and descended the stairs into the sea of people. Everyone watched us but no one approached Alfie, though the other Tellers received handshakes and back slaps. Alfie intimidated them. I wasn't surprised.

I felt eyes on me, envious eyes running over my dress. I looked up at Alfie. "Why aren't I dressed like everyone else?"

"Because you aren't everyone else," he said with a shrug. His reasoning made no sense to me but I decided to leave it alone.

So far, the night seemed relatively calm, but I could feel the energy thrumming in the air. A promise of things to come. A waiter arrived with a drink for each of us and I took mine gratefully. Alfie took his but I noticed he didn't drink it.

"Do you want to get something else to drink?" I nodded at the alcohol, knowing that he wasn't going to touch it. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"This isn't a soft drinks kind of place."

I caught Keira out of the corner of my eye heading off to explore with Damien hot on her heels. I was about to go after her before I stopped myself. I didn't know Damien but Alfie trusted him, and tonight was all about trust, so I guess I had to trust him too. Besides, I had no doubt that Keira could handle herself.

Alfie was watching me closely, trying to gauge my reaction to the clubhouse. It was stunning but right now I was too distracted to really take it in. I looked up at him, engaging in a silent communication. We both knew why he wanted me here tonight and I wasn't about to party it up with a giant elephant in the room. I leaned up to whisper in his ear so no one could overhear us.

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