Ch 18 - The Deal

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Alfie. Or Elliot. Or Keira. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


His steel greys pierced me and I shivered. "I'll take it from here, Ada."

"Alright. It was nice to meet you Lola. I'll see you again soon." I managed to smile and thank her before she scurried away, leaving us alone.

Alfie gazed at me, a watchful calm on his face. He looked a different man from the tortured soul he'd been last night. He had a new air about him now, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Enjoy the tour?" he asked and I wondered if he really cared what I thought of the house.

"What's the point in having two wine cellars when you don't drink?"

"They came with the house. Besides, I'm not the only person that lives here." A steady silence fell over us again. The air between us felt strange, as if we had stepped into a new plane of existence with a higher oxygen content. I felt high, kind of dizzy in his presence as always. But now, despite the years of distance, Alfie Tell felt tangible to me in a way he never had before. It frightened me and I had to remind myself that, despite showing me his secrets, he was still the man that had manipulated and violated me. He couldn't be trusted.

"I'd like to show you something." He paused - was he asking my permission? I swallowed and nodded. He gestured to the door and I walked past him out of the library, his body dangerously close to mine as he held the door for me. Instead of leading us away, he produced a key and moved to the door Ada had refused to open.

"How did you know I wanted to see in there?" In response, Alfie nodded above my head. I turned and saw a tiny camera in the upper left corner of the ceiling. That was creepy as hell. "Always watching, huh?" He didn't respond, only twisted the lock and gestured for me to go ahead. "Really? As easy as that?"

"I am an open book." He stood over me, awaiting my decision. What was he playing at? Ever since he'd come back into my life, everything he had done had thrown me off. His newfound openness unnerved me. I didn't trust it. Nevertheless, I moved past him and entered. Confused, I looked around the room.

"Am I in a museum?" I asked and he let out a short laugh.

"Of sorts. More like a time capsule."

The room could have been an office with the large writing desk in the centre of the room, but the walls were lined with shelves and glass cases holding various items. Jewellery, books, ornaments, it all seemed so random and very un-Alfie. Then I noticed a familiar looking chest on a lower shelf— his journals. I moved into the room, walking the length of the shelves. I noticed a gold-tipped cane on the top shelf, and lower, in a case, a violin.

"It's the one I told you about." The one he'd given to the Italian girl. He'd told me about her at Harrington House the day he'd made me wear that awful grey dress.

"It's beautiful. Why is it in here?" I looked up at him, his watchful gaze ever present. I wasn't sure what unnerved me more— his openness or his distance. Alfie had always swarmed my senses, used touch to mould and manipulate me. Now, he remained feet away from me, out of my space, letting me see him and breathe. Letting me think.

"This room is where I keep the things that mean something to me. Ada is the only other person with a key. She comes into dust sometimes. Other than that, it remains locked."

"Do you ever come in here?"


"Will you play for me?" I gestured at the violin. I would give anything to hear him play.

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