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Kayla both loved and hated school

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Kayla both loved and hated school. She had always loved learning and expanding her knowledge but with everything that had been going, school was the last thing on her mind and she just wanted it all to be over and graduate with her diploma. Having Bella with her definitely did help as she had someone to talk to and worry with but the Cullen's were doing everything they could to keep them apart, actually it was only Alice and Edward. Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper were civil with her. In Emmett's case, someone that cheered her up, Jasper was someone that was easy to talk to and it was nice to just vent to Rosalie who understood where she was coming from.

"You know, you're both just being pathetic." Kayla spoke as she rolled her eyes. She was sat in the canteen, waiting for Bella and Angela. The later being Embry's imprint and someone that she considered a good friend. They had both bonded over their families and had so much in common. They had met on the beach while the Pack played a game where Embry had imprinted on her so Kayla was quick to get to know her.

Edward growled at her, "She belongs with us."

"Bella is her own person. She is capable of making her own choices. Just because you're not ready for her to move on or be happy on her own, doesn't mean you get to make her feel bad or quite frankly stalk her until she gives in. Leave her alone." Kayla explained to them. She just couldn't understand why they wouldn't let Bella make her own choice. She was an adult that knew what she wanted, it took a minute but she did figure it out, so why were they forcing themselves on her?

Alice took a step closer to Kayla, "She's a part of our family. She belongs with us. Why are you trying to take her away from us?" Alice was angry that her only human friend was being taken away from her, not comprehending the fact that Bella was really just a human and the vampires had done nothing but make her life difficult.

Kayla took a deep breathe before narrowing her eyes at them, "We've had this conversation more than once, what are you not understanding? Bella is human, she's vulnerable and having you in her life has brought nothing but danger her way. She's scared because she understands the consequences of her actions and that maybe being with vampires isn't the safest choice for her. She's made her choice, have the decency of respecting her choice."

"She'll see that she's making the wrong choice."

"You seriously underestimate her."

"I just don't understand

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"I just don't understand. I've told them what I want and if they continued to pressure me, I'd want nothing to do with them but they don't seem to understand." Bella sighed in frustration.

Kayla held her hand, "I know and clearly they won't listen to you but I know the last thing you want is to cut them out of your life. I know it's not been easy for you because they clearly don't understand the boundaries that you have but you have to make it clear to them that they can't keep doing this to you. You don't need this stress in your life. You've got enough to worry about with the army, college and all the travelling you want to do in the future."

Bella exhaled, "I know. I just don't want to see them right now."

"That's why I called Jacob." Kayla smiled. Neither of the girls wanted to see the Cullen's right now so Kayla had called her boyfriend during her lunch break so that he could pick them up and take them to the Reservation where they would be away from the drama that the Cullen's brought with them.

They both walked out of the school, holding hands, allowing Kayla to give Bella the comfort she needed. They saw Jacob waiting for them at the end of the parking lot but were intercepted by the Cullen's and they refused to let the girls walk past.

"I would walk away if I were you." Jacob threatened as he walked up behind the Cullen's.

Edward turned to glare at him, "You don't have a say in this. She's mine. She shouldn't be anywhere near you and your Pack. She belongs with me."

Jacob scoffed, "Last I checked, you don't speak for her. She's a grown woman and knows what she wants. She has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you and if you can't respect that, not only will I have fun putting you in your place but you will never see Bella again."

Edward took a step forward, getting in Jacob's face, "Stay away from her."

"I will if you do." Jacob smirked. Bella was his friend and he'd do anything for her but he was not about to take orders from a vampire. Bella had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with them and he would respect her wishes, and if she wanted space for whatever reason he would do it.

Bella and Kayla moved to stand behind Jacob and he made sure they were both covered by his body. He was not about to let anything happen to either of them nor were they going to have to deal with the Cullen's at this moment, especially considering none of them could understand the concept of piss off.

"You don't tell me what to do."

"Well clearly you have a problem with listening."

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