7 | hurt

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"You sure you want to do this?" Kayla asked Bella as the walked through the woods

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"You sure you want to do this?" Kayla asked Bella as the walked through the woods. The brunette had called her early in the morning to ask if she wanted to go for a hike. It was a beautiful day so Kayla saw no reason to say no.

Bella sighed, "I do. I want to move on fully and in order to do that, I need to let everything out." Her goal was to go to the Meadow that she frequented with him and say her piece. Well actually, she wanted to scream her feelings out to get them off her chest but she didn't want to do it alone so she had asked Kayla to come long. They two had become good friends quickly and Bella knew Kayla wouldn't judge her.

"Well, no matter happens, I'm here for you." Kayla reassured.

Bella sighed as they finally came to a stop in the meadow. It was time to finally let everything out. She looked at Kayla who nodded in encouragement before she finally spoke or rather screamed.

"I hate you. I hate that you left. I hate that you had no regard for my feelings when you left. Why? To protect me, I was safer with you. I hate how much I depended on you, how much you influenced every choice I made. But it's okay, I'm better now. It took a while but I did it. I got better, all by myself, well maybe with a little help. They didn't leave me, my family and friends stood by my, protected me and loved me despite everything I put them through. It made me realise, maybe you didn't love me as much as I loved you and that's okay because I learnt to love myself. I hate you but more importantly, I hate that I love you. I will move on and if you ever come back, you'll realise what you've finally lost."

"Feel better?" Kayla asked with a giggled.

Bella laughed, "Much."

Before Kayla could utter another a word, a vampire joined them in Meadow and from the way he looked at Bella, he definitely recognised her and that didn't sit well with the witch.

"Laurent?" Bella spoke in fear. Kayla slowly itched herself towards the brunette, placing a soothing hand on her back. If anything happened, Kayla knew she would have to intervene as Bella was innocent in all of this and human.

Laurent grinned sinisterly, "I went to Cullen's and it would seem they have left but they left you behind. Weren't you a pet of theirs?"

"Why are you here?"

"I came as a favour for Victoria."

Kayla didn't give Bella a chance to speak up as she knew how terrified the brunette was. She glared at the vampire, "Leave."

Laurent finally looked at the young witch, "What are you going to do about it, little girl?"

Kayla gripped Bella hand, "Bella. I need you to run. I will be fine but I need you to trust me." The brunette didn't have to be told twice and she ran as fast as she could out of the forest.

Laurent glared at her, "What are you going to do, little girl?" He took a step forward to see her next steps and when she took a step back, he flashed in front of her and gripped her neck. He sneered at her, "Not so tough now?"

"I'm not who you have to worry about?" Kayla groaned due to lack of oxygen.

Laurent turned to face the woods, losing his grip on Kayla, "I don't believe it." The wolves slowly began to emerge from the forest but she wasn't about to let them kill him for her, this was something she had to do.

"Believe it." She spoke as she took a step back and took a deep breathe, "Ignarious."

Kayla stood for a moment, taking in what she had just done

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Kayla stood for a moment, taking in what she had just done. It didn't bother her that she had to kill the vampire, it was him or her and she didn't need anyone to protect her. She could take care of herself. Soon the pain in her neck became too much and she gripped it to try and soothe the pain.

"Kayla?" Jacob spoke softly from behind her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself."

"You certainly proved that."

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