18 | circle

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"So to recap

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"So to recap. You were almost killed by Edward, the Goddess Hecate made you an offer to protect other supernatural creatures and now you have all these extra abilities, did I get that right?"

Kayla giggled as her boyfriend went over it once again, "Yes. She has tasked me with protecting other supernatural created, becoming a Protector in order to do it. I know it's a lot but she wouldn't have asked me to do it if she didn't think I could do it. I've always wanted to help others, I guess this is just a different way of doing that. I know I'll be asking a lot of you, not only because of the dangers but because I might be away from you for some time but I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think we would make it or if it wasn't important." As much as she loved Jake, she had a duty to the people that needed her, just like Jake had been doing.

Jake shook his head as he held her hand, "I know it's a lot, especially for you but like you said, you wouldn't have been asked to do this if she didn't believe you could do it. You are amazing and whoever you end up helping, they will be lucky to have you. No matter what happens to us, I will be with you every step of the way. I'm not going anywhere, I'm always going to be with you." He had always known she was meant for great things and he wasn't about to be the person that got in her way.

"I'm scared."

Jake looked at her confused, "What do you mean scared? Kayla, you are one of the bravest people I know and you would not have been picked for this job if you couldn't do it. I know it's scary but you're not alone. I'm Im with you. You got this."

"You're too sweet, thank you but that's not what I'm worried about. What if something happens to the people I care about? I don't want to take on threats if it hurts the people I care about." The last thing she wanted was for the people she cared about to be caught up in whatever she was doing.

"Nothing will happen to us. We can all take care of ourselves but most importantly, we have you. We have you to look after us, just like the people your are tasked to protect. I know you're scared but you're meant to do this and I wholeheartedly believe that you will do a great job." Jake reassured her.

"Thank you, I needed that. Now, on to the first matter of business."

"What's that?"

"I have asked you all to gather here because I trust you

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"I have asked you all to gather here because I trust you. I trust you and I need your help."

Kayla knew she needed to get started with creating her circle as soon as possible. She had asked for Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Esme, Kai, Leah, Seth, Sofia, Embry, Quil, Jared and Paul to join the at her house for a meeting, with her boyfriend Jake of course. She needed a range of abilities and people that she could trust.

"What do you need?" Kai asked. His sister had briefly explained to him what she had been through but she hadn't given him much information, her stating that it would all be explained later. He trusted her and hated what she had gone through, especially at the hand of Edward. He could feel all the pain her body had gone through and the last thing he wanted was to lose his twin sister.

"I guess I should start from the beginning. When Edward tried to kill me, I was visited by the Goddess Hecate and I was given a choice. Die because of the venom or become. Protector." Kayla explained.

"What's a Protector and why does it involve us?" Rosalie asked.

Kayla smiled at the vampire, "Essentially it means I'm a protector of supernatural creatures, from each other and other threats to them like humans. I have been tasked with creating a group of individuals that will help ensure the safety and protection of the supernatural community all over the world that are essentially my circle of most trusted supernatural beings. I called you all here because I would like you all to be apart of that circle. I know it's a lot to ask but I wouldn't be asking this if I didn't trust you. All of you have shown how powerful and resourceful you can be and I could use all the help I need."

"What about our duties here and our imprints?" Jared asked. It honestly was an intriguing offer, to know that they could do more to protect those that need it but he had a life in LA Push.

"I get that. It wouldn't be an everyday thing, sometimes I might need you for a few days but sometimes it might be longer. Jake understands that you are also needed here but we hope now that the Cullen's are gone, there will be less vampires around and not all of you would be needed. I understand that you might have other commitments but I could really use your help."

"What would it mean if we said yes?" Jasper asked. After everything that had happened with the other Cullen's , he just wanted to get away. He needed a new purpose and Kayla had just handed him one on a silver platter and he couldn't be more grateful.

"It would mean travelling the world to help other supernatural beings. Sometimes it might be days, other times it could be months. I know I'm asking for a lot but they need our help, just like we all helped each other with the newborn army. So, who's in?" Kayla asked nervously. It was quiet for a moment in the room before someone finally spoke up.

"I'm in." Jasper spoke firmly as he stood up.

Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Kai, Leah, Seth, Sofia, Paul, Jared, Embry  and Quil all followed with a firm yes.

And like that, the circle had been created.

the end!

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