13 | beach

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"I just don't understand why they think it's a good idea to force themselves on her when she's made it clear that she wants absolutely nothing to do with them

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"I just don't understand why they think it's a good idea to force themselves on her when she's made it clear that she wants absolutely nothing to do with them."

Bella, Kayla, Sophia, Leah, Emily and Kim were sat on the beach having a picnic, just the girls. It was nice to get away from all the drama and pressure to get through it all. Kayla and Sophia had been practising none stop with their powers to make sure they were at their peak for when the army came. Kai had been training with the Pack and he was confident they would be just fine.

Kayla rolled her eyes, "You're telling me. It doesn't matter how many times we tell them, they still manage to find a way to weasel their way into her life. I'm just glad Bella has plans to leave Forks." Kayla just couldn't understand how they didn't realise how toxic they were by constantly trying to dictate Bella's life and refusing to give her the space they asked for.

"You're telling me. I mean, I've set boundaries but clearly they don't care." Bella sighed. For the first time in along time, she was happy. Graduation was soon, her relationship with her parents was great and she was looking forward to what the future would bring. Unfortunately, the Cullen's didn't understand that.

Leah scoffed, "They should just leave. No one wants them here."

"Jacob's working on it."

"What do you mean?" All the girls asked confused.

Kayla looked at them, "He's been talking to the Elders. They've all agreed that the Cullen's have no reason to stay here anymore, especially considering what is coming because of them and how many young kids have shifted. They want them out and no one is against it. As soon as the Battle is over, they have to leave." Since Bella had ended her relationship with the Cullen's and was leaving anyway, there was nothing keeping them in Forks. They had already caused enough trouble with the Nomads so the Elders wanted to null and void the treaty for all the trouble they've caused.

"Wait, are you serious?" Emile asked.

Kayla nodded, "The Elders want to null and void the Treaty as soon as the Battle is over."

"I certainly did not expect that." Bella commented. She wasn't sure what to say but it made sense. Nothing was keeping them in Forks. It would have been different if she was still with Edward but she wasn't and there wasn't anything keeping her in Forks either. It was easy to understand why the Elders wanted them gone.

"Finally." Sophia spoke. It wasn't that she hated vampires, she just didn't like the Cullen's and from the Cullen's she knew, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, they didn't want to stay in Forks anymore either. They wanted to live in peace away from the drama that Edward and Alice always seemed to cause.

"You're telling me. Lets just hope they get it."

"From the way they've been acting, I wouldn't put too much hope in that."

"You look rough

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"You look rough."

Jacob sighed, "You have no idea." He and the Pack had been running extra patrol to make sure no other vampire returned to their land. It hadn't been easy and they were all tired but they did what needed to be done. Jacob had missed his imprint but he knew that she understood the importance of what they are doing.

"I'm sorry." Kayla pouted as she ran a hand through his hair. It sucked not being able to see him as much as she wanted but she admired his need for protecting those around him, especially his family. She did her part by practicing her powers and staying in school, luckily she was graduating soon.

Jacob snuggled closer, "Nah, we're doing what needs to be done to protect our people. It sucks that we get no sleep and school sucks but we do what needs to be done. I'm just glad the Elders agreed to void the Treaty and the Cullen's have to leave." He knew it hadn't been easy to get the Elders to agree but they knew it was time for them to go. The Cullen's had been more trouble in the past year than the hundred years when the Treaty had first been created.

"I'm glad the Elders are listening to everyone. I know it's not fair that all of the are being asked to leave but what they have done, has hurt too many people, caused enough death. The Pack has been through enough and they deserve to be happy with their families and imprints." Kayla spoke. Too many people have died, including all the innocent humans that were turned into vampires because of Victoria's personal vendetta, and it was time to end all of that.

"I know what you mean. We've been through enough. We deserve to be happy." Jacob smiled. He just wanted to spend the rest of his life with Kayla, without worrying about her getting hurt. He knew she could protect herself but he still worried.

Kayla exhaled, "And you will."

"How does Bella feel about it?" He knew that Kayla had told Bella. The two had become pretty close friends and didn't hide anything from each other, especially regarding the army and what was going on. He was glad they got along as they both meant a lot to him.

"She's handling it, not really sure how to feel about it. It would be different if she and Edward were still together but they aren't and she just wants to move on with her life. She's got all of these plans after graduation and she just hopes they leave her alone and wait till she's ready to talk to them." She explained. Bella had come such a long way and she just wanted to move on with her life.

"I hope things handle for the better soon."

"You and me both, love, you and me both."

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