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Kayla had finally fallen asleep but not be she found herself looking at two figures under a train track: Victoria and her sidekick Riley and she knew something was coming

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Kayla had finally fallen asleep but not be she found herself looking at two figures under a train track: Victoria and her sidekick Riley and she knew something was coming.

Riley's back was faced towards Victoria, "You're not coming with us?"

She moved to face his front, "It will be a last minute decision. I told you how it works."

Riley smirked, "The Cullen's have 'powers'." Her older sister had told her all about the Cullen's abilities.

"Don't underestimate them, Riley. You'll have the numbers but they will be able to anticipate your every move," Victoria stated.

"According to your friend?" Riley asked as his lips hover over Victoria's.

"Yes, my dead friend," she growled. "Laurent found out about the things that they could do. And they killed him. But not before he told me." She moved away from Riley, keeping her head down.

Riley turned to face her, "Maybe he was wrong? I mean this is suppose to be Cullen territory. We have been tearing it up and I have even seen them here."

"You don't trust me?" Victoria asked sadly. Kayla knew that she was playing mind games with Riley and knew that she needed him as she couldn't go up against the Cullen's on her own.

"With my life. I'm just saying-"

"I'm doing this for us. So that we can feed without their retaliation. I can't live in fear anymore, waiting for them to attack."

"I won't let them. I am going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."

Kayla woke up with a gasp. She sat on the bed, breathing heavily, trying to figure out why she was plagued with visions of Victoria and Riley. Who were they? Why were they after the Cullen's? What was her role in all of this?

Kai opened the door and walked over to his sisters bed. He too was covered in sweat and was having a hard time breathing. "Another vision?" He asked. The twins sometimes hated they could feel each other physically and emotionally but right now, Kayla was just grateful her twin was there.

Kayla sighed, "I don't get it. Who's the redhead? Why do we keep seeing her? What is our role? I'm scared. We just got control over our lives and now I feel like I don't know what to do anymore. Why does this keep happening to us?"

Kai hugged his sister, "I wish I knew."

Kayla had decided to clear her head so she went for a walk in the woods, away from anyone and anything

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Kayla had decided to clear her head so she went for a walk in the woods, away from anyone and anything. She had always loved being surrounded by nature. She wanted time to clear her head and understand what her next step would be. She hated not knowing what to do.

"You know, I know you're there Jacob." Kayla smiled softly as she stared up at the sky, lying down on the grass.

Jacob shook his head, not at all surprised, "I know. I wanted to check on you. When Kai was the only one that showed up at the house this morning, I worried that something might have happened to you. You both usually stick to each other, no matter what." Jacob had been right, the twins always stuck together but they both knew, whatever was coming, they had different roles that they needed to figure out.

"I'm fine, just needed some fresh air. Though, I do have a question. I have been seeing this redhead in my visions but I have no idea who she is or what she might want. I didn't start getting these visions until I came here so I'm hoping you might have an idea?" Kayla optimistically spoke. She needed to know the truth and she knew the Pack might have an idea what was happening and why she kept seeing the redhead.

Jacob exhaled heavily before looking at her, "Her name is Victoria and she's after Bella. Bella's boyfriend killed her mate and now she's out for revenge, she wants to kill Bella."

"I'm guessing Bella is the girl you used to like?"

"Yep. You know, for the longest time I couldn't understand why the Pack didn't want me around her or why they couldn't understand that she meant something to me but now I do. I think, part of me wanted to hold on to my humanity, that's why I kept trying to get closer to her, I had a hard time coming to terms with being a wolf and losing my friends because of Sam. Then you came into my life and made me realise, everything happens for a reason. Being part of the Tribe isn't a curse but rather a blessing. I know everything isn't going to back to the way it was but at least I'm not alone." Jacob explained.

Kayla smiled gently at her soulmate, "Everything happens for a reason. I have a hard time coming to terms with what happened with my parents but I know they raised me and my siblings to be strong. It isn't about what happens to you but how you deal with it that people see. You don't have to go through this alone, Jake. I'm here if you need me."

"I guess we both need each now more than ever, huh?"

"You could say that."

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