15 | leave

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When the Pack had found out what Edward did to Kayla, they had been fuming

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When the Pack had found out what Edward did to Kayla, they had been fuming. How dare he lay his hands on her? Jacob had called a meeting with the Cullen's to discus what would be happening next as they were not going to stand by and let him hurt an imprint. They had crossed the line and it was time they understood that there was consequences to their actions.

"What is this about?"

Jacob glared at the vampires, "As soon as the battle is over, you have been ordered to leave the land."

"What?! You can't do that." Edward growled.

Jacob scoffed, "That's where you're wrong. We have allowed you to stay here for decades but you have officially overstayed your welcome. For years you had lived peacefully but recently, the danger you have brought to our people and the innocent humans in Forks, is unacceptable and something we cannot stand by. Nothing is keeping you here anymore. The Elders have agreed that as soon as the Battle is over, you are to leave or we kill you."

"But this is our home." Esme whispered.

"Not anymore. The danger you have brought to everyone, the lives that have been lost is not acceptable and we cannot stand by and continue to watch it happen. You have 48 hours after the Battle to leave or we will kill you." Jacob spoke firmly. The rest of the Pack flanking his side to show their agreement.

Edward glared at Kayla, "This is your fault. This would never have happened if you didn't get involved."

Kayla sighed as she looked at him, "You know, I find it really funny that you still can't take accountability for your actions. You have no one to blame but yourself. You chose to get involved with a human, knowing the risks that it carried. Because of you, innocent people have been turned into vampires for an army to execute revenge on you. What you did, has had dire consequences but for some reason, you can't see that, why? We are not going to let you keep hurting the people of this land or get anymore innocent humans involved. Your time here is over." Honestly, what is wrong with him? How could he not see all the damage he had caused?

"But we don't want to leave." Alice pouted.

Jacob narrowed his eyes at her, "You have no choice. 48 hours after the Battle is all you have. After that, you are fair game to anyone in this Pack and after everything you've done, I don't think anyone is going to be opposed to taking your heads off." The rest of the Pack growling in agreement.

"What about Bella?" Edward growled.

Kayla shook her head, "She is not your concern anymore. She has made her choice and she will be moving on with her life. You have no say over what happens to her anymore. You don't need to worry."

"And why should we believe you?"

"Simple, we kept her alive when you left."

"Do you think they will leave?"

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"Do you think they will leave?"

The conversation between the Cullen's and the Pack had gone as expected. They were not happy but they had no choice but to leave. The Battle was quickly approaching and the Pack were continuing to make the final preparations while the Cullen's made arrangements to leave Forks after the Battle, however, not everyone was happy that they were leaving.

"I hope so. They have done enough damage to the people here. How do you feel about it?" Kayla asked. After everything the Cullen's have put them through, it was time for them to leave but she also knew Bella had been repairing her relationship with some of the Cullen's.

Bella shrugged, "Don't really care. Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and I have been talking and have been able to have a friendship. Since I have no desire to be changed, we have been talking more and it's actually been really nice. They are so much fun and have been encouraging of my future. They're moving close to New York so I can maintain my friendship with them. The rest of the Cullen's, however, have made it clear that they don't want what I want so I'm done. I don't owe them anything." Bella had been talking to the trio more, away from the rest of the Cullen's and they each have their own individual story and personalities. She couldn't believe it had taken her so long to get to know them, to know that she had missed out on such good friends for so long. Friends that actually encouraged her to do whatever she wanted and stood by her.

"I'm glad. I was worried you would be sad about them leaving." Kayla spoke.

Bella shook her head, "No, I get it. The Cullen's and I have done so much damage to the people her and the innocent people that have been turned into vampires for the army. Nothing they say or do is going to change that. I can't take back what happened but I can ensure that it doesn't happen again." She hated knowing that so many people got hurt because of what she and Edward had done, so many innocent lives lost and she was not going to stand by and watch anymore lives be lost. She was going to leave and hopefully nothing more would happen.

"You know, when we first met I didn't really like you but now, I can see how far you've come and I'm proud of you. Whatever the future holds for you, Bella, I wish you all the best."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear it from you."

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