Chapter two

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 Carmen's pov-

It's been about a week since I met Greyson. Honestly I couldn't stop thinking about him, about his blue eyes. About his sexy ass tattoos. About his brown hair that I want to run my fingers through. God, I probably sound creepy as fuck.

 I rolled out of bed and started getting ready for my classes today. I threw on a pair of light blue jeans and a black and white top with a pair of my black sneakers. I don't own a coat or else I'd wear it. I'd been wearing Greyson's hoodie but the other day Tony and I got into another fight and I ended up getting blood all over it. I haven't had the chance to do laundry yet so I don't really have any other options than to freeze my ass off in just my shirt. 

 ( Carmen's outfit-)

I left my hair down and brushed out my naturally wavy hair

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I left my hair down and brushed out my naturally wavy hair. I also applied concealer to my face and neck. I always try to cover up any bruises or marks before I go out somewhere, sometimes I'm not able to because of Tony. 

 I was able to slip out of the apartment without Tony noticing. Ever since I came home late last week he's been on my ass like never before. He's convinced I'm cheating on him.

 It took me around an hour to walk to my university. By the time I made it to my first class I was about as warm as a block of ice. I was honestly scared my nipples were going to fall off. 

 The day went by slow and I spent the day tuning in and out of my lectures, not really paying attention. 

I walked into my last lecture of the day and sat down in the back row, which was, thankfully, empty.  Around ten minutes into the lecture I started to fall asleep, I tried so hard to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I let my eyes drift shut as I tuned out of the lecture.

 Being able to get sleep is really hard when I live with Tony. You never know what he'll try and do while I'm asleep. There have been so many times I've woken up with him on top of me, and that's not something I really want to go through. 

 I don't know how long it had been when I finally started waking up and coming back to my senses. I let out a small whine as the professor's voice bled through my sleepy haze. 

 It took me a minute to realize my face was buried in something and it smelt so damn good, it smelled like cologne and fresh air. Wait, what the fuck?

 My eyes shot open as I sat up quickly and scanned my surroundings. " Morning, love." Greyson said as he grinned at me. " What're you doing here?" I asked as I looked to my left and saw another guy smiling at me.

" I go to school here." he stated in a matter of fact tone. My brows furrowed," I've never seen you in this class before." I said confused as I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

" I just switched into this course." he explained and I gave a curt nod in response. 

" And I've always been in this class but I usually sit in the front." the guy next to me said making me turn my attention towards him. " Oh." I murmured quietly, still waiting for my brain to wake up. 

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