Chapter five

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 Carmen's pov- 

 Nope, absolutely not, I refuse to deal with this shit right now. 

I washed the blood off of my hand and got dressed. He had given me a pair of his pj pants and one of his t-shirts to sleep in. 

( Carmen's outfit, minus the shoes and bag.) 


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 I turned the lights off and climbed into the bed. I let my body sink into the plus mattress. It's by far the most comfortable bed I've ever laid on. 

 I did my best to push down the anxiety I was feeling over the face that I coughed up blood. I know my health isn't exactly great but I hope it's nothing too serious. Instead of thinking about that I tried to think about the fact that I was finally away from Tony. 

For once it was quiet, my mind was quiet. I wasn't scared to fall asleep because someone might try and rape me in my sleep. I wasn't afraid to wake up and have the life beaten out of me.               I could simply just exist without the fear of being abused. 

 I closed my eyes and willed my body to fall asleep. For once I was willing ready to accept the darkness. But of course, it never comes. The trauma of the day finally starts to set in and I do my best to keep myself from having a break down. 

 It's funny, I feel so exhausted and yet I can't sleep. I've been laying here for two hours, simply staring at the ceiling like a crazy person. 

 As much as I hate this stupid feeling of painful emptiness, I think I'd rather feel it than nothing. Sometimes I worry I'm going to go completely numb, at least with this pain I'll know I'm not numb. But then there's another part of me that wants to be numb, to not have to deal with all of this pain. 

 Sometimes I feel like I'm not actually here. I can see everything that's happening but it's like I'm not actually there, like I'm watching through someone else's eyes. Do you ever feel like that? 

 " Carmen?" Greyson peaked his head through the door causing a stream of light to come flowing in. It wasn't quiet anymore, my mind was back to its chaotic self. 

" Love, it's been three days, you need to eat." he begged as he sat on the corner of the bed. Three days? I've been here for three days? I thought it had been a few hours, not a few days. 

 I know I should say something bad but I don't know what to say. I feel bad, I know I'm being rude but I just don't have the energy to respond. I just want silence.

" Sweetheart, you can't keep going like this, it's not healthy. I understand that you're going through a lot right now, I know you're probably scared. We just want to help you, please let us help you." Perseus said in a gentle tone as he entered the room. 

I know I need help, I want to be able to accept their help but I'm scared.

 I'm just so scared.


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