Chapter six

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 Carmen's pov- 

 Greyson still had a firm yet gentle grip on my hand, he looked up at me and asked, " Carmen, can I tell you something personal about myself?" I looked into his blue eyes curiously.

" Okay." I replied hesitantly, unsure of what to expect. 

" My father and my mother never really got along with each other. Most of the time he would just yell at her but one day things took a turn for the worse, he hit her. He apologized and promised he'd never do it again, and she believed him. But he broke his promise, more than once. It became a daily thing, he became more obsessed and paranoid, not to mention his jealousy. 

She wore what he told her to, she spoke when he told her to, she did everything he wanted in efforts to please him. All it ever got her was hurt. She used to cover the bruises and make up lies about the ones she couldn't cover up. She was always too scared to let people help her, she suffered in silence. She felt like she was alone, he made her feel alone. But she wasn't alone, and neither are you. I don't know you all that well, I don't know your story, but I know what he's doing isn't right. 

You can deny it all you want but in the very short amount of time I've known you, I've seen how he treats you and how scared you look around him. It's the same look my mother had. I couldn't help her, but I can help you, so please let me." 

 During his entire story he never once looked away from me. I could see the desperation in his eyes as he pleaded for me to accept his help. 

 I don't even know what to say, he just told me something very personal and I don't know how to react. I want to let him help me but I don't know how.

 " What happened to her?" I blurted out, I wasn't sure if I should ask, I didn't want to seem nosy or pushy but my curiosity got the best of me. 

 " She killed herself." he looked heartbroken. I felt awful for him. I don't know what I would've done if Tony had ever gotten me pregnant. I can't imagine leaving my child alone in this world, let alone with an abusive bastard like Tony. 

 I find it truly terrifying how similar Greyson's mother's situation and mine sound alike. I don't want to end up like her. I don't want to let Tony win, but I don't know how to stop him.

 " I don't know how." I whispered as I felt tears cloud my vision. " You don't know how to do what?" he asked as he moved closer and gently cupped my cheek, using his thumb to wipe away my tears. 

 " I don't know how to let people help me. I want to be able to let people help me, I want to get better but I don't know how." I sobbed out as I wrapped my arms around myself. God, he probably thinks I'm so pathetic. 

 Greyson quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug, " Shh, you're alright, love." he whispered soothingly in my ear. He held me closely, gently rocking us back and forth. 

 " I know it's scary but I promise you won't regret it. It's not going to be easy but if you let me I'll be right by your side. You don't have to go through this alone." he gave me a tight squeeze.

 I know this is something I need to do. I need to get away from Tony and this might be my only chance. He's right, this is scary as hell but I'll be damned if I put myself back into a bad situation. I don't want to end up like his mom.

  I took a shaky breath," Okay." 

 He seems fairly determined to help me and I don't think I can do this alone. I think he sees this as his second chance, he wasn't able to help his mother but he's able to help me. And who am I to deny him his second chance. I can tell he feels like he needs to make amends, he needs closure and I need help. 

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