Chapter fourteen

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  Okay, so I've decided that I am going to have smut scenes in this story. This is my first time writing smut and I'm pretty nervous. This chapter contains mature sexual content, please beware. Once again, I don't put individual warnings, so this is your overall warning. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER AND THERE WILL BE MORE IN FUTURE CHAPTERS!!!!!! READ AT YOUR OWN FUCKING RISK!     Thank you and have a nice day (:

 Also, I'm sorry, I feel like that warning was very aggressive, possibly, overly aggressive. My bad (:

 Carmen's pov- 

 " I was so fucking worried about you, where'd you go?" he was still holding me tightly.

 " I don't really know, one second I was in the hospital and the next I was in an alley on the other side of town. I have no idea how I got there, Grey." god, I missed him, and he smells so damn good.

 He put me down and cupped my face in his hands, " I'm so fucking happy you're okay, you had us all scared to death." 

 " Jesus, she's gone for a day and you act like you haven't seen each other in years." August joked, I laughed.

 " Who're you?" Grey asked defensively, pulling me even closer into his body.

 " That's August and the other one is Reese." I answered for them.

 " Thank you for bringing her home." Grey gave them a quick courtesy nod.

 " Bitch, you're acting like we're leaving." August laughed before walking past Grey and I, into the house.

 I could tell Grey was about to start yelling so I decided to speak up before he made a scene, " Their childhood friends, and August has no boundaries." Greyson nodded in understanding.

 " The guys are inside, we should probably go in." Greyson suggested, I nodded in agreement. 

 I held out my hand for Reese, " Coming?" Reese walked up and took my hand, I noticed Grey glaring at out conjoined hands out of the corner of my eye. 

 Grey led us into the house where we saw August lying on the floor, inspecting it.

 He lightly tapped on the wood, " Girlll, is this real wood? Omg, you're like rich rich." he asked looking up at Grey. 

 Reese and I burst out into laughter as Grey stared at him in confusion.

 " Uh- yeah it's real." he answered somewhat hesitantly.

 Grey pulled me into his side and leaned down, " You're friend is weird." he whispered in my ear.

 I reached up and whispered into his ear, " I know." I laughed, he smiled down at me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

 Levi and the other guys walked up to us, " Uh- Grey, who the fuck are they?" Levi asked.

 " Friends of Carmen apparently." he said with a small laugh.

 " Where's you kitchen?" August interrupted. 

 " Down the hall, last door on your right." Grey directed him, Levi and Reese raced to the kitchen.

 " I hope you're fully aware they're going to eat all of your food." Grey rolled his eyes, " Great." he replied sarcastically.

 " Can you guys give us a second?" Grey asked the guys, they nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

 Once they were gone Grey picked me up and carried me to the couch, he sat me down with me in his lap. 

 He nuzzled his face into my neck, after a second he pulled away and frowned at me.

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