Chapter fifteen

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 It is now 8:30 and I have come to the decision to skip classes today. Instead, I'm going to write another chapter.


 Carmen's pov- 

 " Come on, love. Let's get cleaned up." he said, right as I was starting to fall asleep. 

 " Nuh uh," I whined as I snuggled further into him. 

 He chuckled before standing up and carrying me to the bathroom. I clung to him like a koala," I've got you, love.". 

 I heard the bath turn on and after a few minutes I detached myself from him and climbed in, he got in behind me. I was now sitting between his legs with my back to his chest and his chin resting on top of my head. 

" You're so perfect

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" You're so perfect." he whispered in my ear.

 He placed another kiss on my head and tightened his hold on me. 

 " Love?" I cooed in response, " What's your favorite food?" 

 " What?" not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't that. 

 " What's your favorite food?" he repeated.

 " Chocolate chip cookies. What's yours?" 

 " Chocolate chip cookies." he smiled down at me, " My mom made really good chocolate chip cookies." his smile widened as he thought about his mother.

 " I miss her." he said, " She may not have been the best mother but at least she tried. There were a lot of bad moment but there were also good moments and that's how I try to remember her. I try to just remember the good." he was now staring at the wall, a look of sadness took over his face as he talked about his mother. 

 " I know it's hard, I know the pain of missing them never goes away but at least it gets easier. I think it's good to remember the good parts. Because I feel like so many people just focus on the bad. She may not have been the best but she loved you, I can tell by the way you talk about her, she cared about you a lot." I cupped his cheek and turned him to face me, he bent down and kissed me.

 " Can I ask you a question?" he gently stroked my arm with his thumb.

 " Sure." 

 " What about your parents? You never talk about them." my breath hitched and my body noticeably tensed.

 " They're dead, they died when I was 15." I focused my attention on his thumb that was still stroking my arm. 

 " How'd they die?" 

" They were killed." my voice was toneless, I hate talking about them, it's easier to just forget. 

 " Did they ever catch the guy that did it?" he asked.

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