Chapter seven

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 Greyson's pov- 

 While Carmen was packing up her things I decided to look around the apartment. It was run down and dirty looking, and it didn't have much in it. Just two couches, a coffee table, and a small tv that looked like it was barely functioning.

 Just two couches, a coffee table, and a small tv that looked like it was barely functioning

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 It makes me mad to know this is how she's been living. She deserves so much better and I just know the only reason it's this neat is because of her. I honestly doubt he ever helped with chores. 

 After a few more minutes I got bored of waiting and decided to go and check on Carmen. I didn't want to be here any longer, I didn't want her  to be here any longer. " Are you almos- what the fuck are those?!" I shouted.

 As I was walking in something caught my eye and as I looked harder at it I realized there were photos of a beaten Carmen hanging all around the room.  I walked up to the wall and ripped one of the pictures down to inspect it. 

 " Can you not?" Carmen asked shyly.

 " Carmen, what the fuck?!" I was shaking, literally fucking shaking with rage. There were photos of her unconscious and beaten and there were pictures of him carving into her skin with a knife. It looked like a scene from a horror movie. 

 " He liked to take pictures, he'd use them to remind me of what would happen if I misbehaved. One day he said the message clearly wasn't going through so he hung all the pictures up on the wall." she explained like it was normal. 

 " Carmen you know this isn't okay, right?" I could feel my anger swelling, slowly getting ready to burst and I was trying so hard to stay calm and not scare her.

 " I guess." she looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact. " What do you mean " I guess" ?! Carmen this is so incredibly fucked up." my voice was quickly rising with anger. " Can we just let it go?" she asked quietly as she cowered away from me.  

 I took a breath and tried to steady my voice. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you but I really need you to understand that this is not okay." I was practically begging at this point, I just need her to understand that she does not deserve to be treated like this. Behavior like this is psychopathic, it is not normal or okay.  

 " I know." she whispered. She cleared her throat, " I'm gonna finish packing," she turned away from me and continued shoving things into a dufflebag. 

 I turned around to face the wall and inspect more of the photos. I quickly ripped a few of them off the walls and slipped them into my pocket. He's dumb as hell for taking pictures of him doing this shit to her and I'm happy as hell he's this dumb. Because now we might just have the evidence we need to put his ass away. 

 I was about to turn around when a particular photo caught my attention.

 It was Carmen lying unconscious on the bed with some random guy on top of her. They were both completely naked and she was tied down. 

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