Chapter twenty nine

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 Greyson's pov- 

 I heard Carmen scream and then there was a loud thud. We all ran into the living room and saw Carmen lying unconscious on the floor. 

 I saw Nathaniel leaning over her. I rushed over and tackled him to the ground.

 I punched him in the face and then grabbed him back the collar, " What the fuck did you do to her?!" I yelled in his face. 

 " Nothing! Reese's fucking dog ran into her and she fell down the stairs!" he yelled back.

 " DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND BLAME THIS ON SPRINKLES!" Reese shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Nathaniel.

 Jesus Christ. 

 I got off of Nathaniel and rushed over to Carmen.

 " We need to take her to the hospital." August said, holding up his hand that was now covered in her blood.


 I picked her up and rushed her to August's car. " I've got you,love." I whispered.

Reese handed me a towel, which I pressed against Carmen's head. 

 August got in the drivers seat, with Carmen and I in the back and took off to the hospital. 

 " Hey, Carmen. I don't know if you can here me but this is a new car. So if you could like not get your blood everywhere, that'd be great." August said.

 " Really?" Reese asked, smacking August.

 " Sorry, I don't want blood all over my new car." he argued.

 " Jesus Christ, just shut up and drive." Reese said, a hand covering his face in disappointment. 

 I looked down at Carmen, " Why is it always you?" I asked quietly, stroking the side of her face with my thumb. 

 We finally got to the hospital and we rushed her in again.

 " Did she have a seizure?" Perseus asked, taking her from me.

 " She fell down the stairs." I told him, they rolled her into a room. 

 I sat in the waiting room while they ran tests on her. 

 I pray to god she's okay. 


 Carmen's pov-  

 Ow, ow, ow ,ow ,ow, why, why, why, why. 

 Oh my god, why're hospital lights so fucking bright. I brought my hand up and shielded my eyes from the harsh florescent light. 

 " Good, you're awake!" Perseus's chipper voice said as he entered the room. 

 " What the fuck happened?" I asked.

 " You fell down the stairs. But we ran some tests and you and your baby are both healthy. You do have a nasty concussion though. I recommend you take it easy for a few days and try and avoid screens and bright lights." he said, I nodded.

 Thank god it's only a concussion. My head is throbbing like a mother fucker. 

 " Wait, what the fuck?" I blurted out.

 " What?" he asked.

 " Did you say fucking baby?" I nearly yelled.

 " Yeah, congratulations by the way. Also tell Grey, fuck you. Can't believe you guys didn't tell me." he grumbled. 

 " I'm fucking pregnant?" my mouth was wide open and I could feel the shock coursing through me.

 " You... didn't know? Well this is awkward." he scratched the back of his neck.

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