Chapter nine

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 Carmen's pov- 

 After Grey and I watched the movie I decided I was going to head to bed. I had classes in the morning so I wanted to make sure I got enough sleep. 

 As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. 

 I was awoken by a heavy panting in my ear.

 " Fuck, you're so tight." someone grunted. 

 I opened my eyes and saw Tony on top of me, I could feel him inside of me. 

 I started kicking and crying, " GET OFF" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

 He wrapped his hand around my neck and started squeezing, " That's right baby, keep fighting. No matter how hard you fight, you'll never win." he thrust into me roughly, it hurt so fucking bad. 

 " PLEASE STOP!" I sobbed out, I was clawing, kicking and punching and doing anything/everything I could to get him off of me. 

 " You.are.mine." he growled in my ear, I sobbed harder. 

 " Carmen, wake up!" I heard a faint whisper but was quickly distracted when Tony grunted loudly and slammed into me.

 I felt his disgusting warmth inside of me. His body went limp on top of mine and I started fighting to push him off. 

 I tried to push him off but I felt someone grab and restrain my arms. I started kicking violently trying to get them away from me. 

 " Love, please stop, I'm trying to help you." Greyson? 

 My eyes shot open and I frantically searched the room. 

 My eyes eventually landed on Greyson and I let out a small sigh of relief. 

 " Love?" he eyed me worriedly. 

 " Grey?" he nodded.

 " Are you okay?" I nodded, when I did the throbbing pain in my head hit me like a truck. 

 " Can you get off of me?" I rushed out. 

 Greyson was currently on top of me and had both of my arms pinned above my head. 

 He crawled off of me and released my wrists, he sat next to me on the bed and pulled me into him. 

 I was trying to catch my breath and calm down and as much as I love being around Grey. I really needed space. After a nightmare like that physical contact can be really difficult for me.

 " What was that?" he asked quietly.

 I wanted to reply but the throbbing in my head was too painful. I ignored him and closed my eyes. I pulled out of Greyson's grasp and crawled away. Sleep quickly took over my body, which I was grateful for. 

 When I woke up the next morning I felt something heavy wrapped around my waist. 

 I looked over my shoulder and saw Greyson with his face pressed into my back and both of his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. 

 I tried to get up but his arms simply tightened around me. 

  " Mmmm" he whined out, letting me know about his discontent with my trying to get up. 

 " We have classes." I turned around in his hold and looked at his sleepy face. 

 " But I'm comfy." he whined again. 

 " We have to get up, Grey." I urged his as I gently shook his shoulder. 

 I once again tried to squirm out of his hold, he resisted for a few minutes before finally letting me get up. 

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