Chapter 4

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John was at in his hotel room just staring at the ceiling. John shot up when Stacy walked in.

"Hey Stacy I am sorry I love you."Says John

"Really I love you too."Says Stacy

"Baby I want to take you somewhere beautiful." says John.

"Really?!" asked Stacy

"Yes, you don't have to get all fancy just something nice." says John.

Stacy runs over to John and gives him a kiss and a hug and goes and grabbed her shoes and jacket.

"Ok John I am ready." says Stacy

John and Stacy leave there hotel room and they head to the lobby to get into their rental car and they start to drive. John starts to drive towards the Amazon Jungle tour.

"So where are we going exactly?" asked Stacy.

"It is a surprise." says John.

Stacy looks at John and smiles and sits back in her seat just looking out the window. The car came to a stop and when Stacy looked out the window all she saw was a beautiful color of green in the light of the moon.

"John where are we?" asked Stacy as she was getting out of the car.

"The Amazon." says John smiling.

John grabbes Stacy's hand and leads her down the stairs and into the trees. Stacy is amazed by what she sees, as they are running through the trees John stops.

"Hey why did you stop this is beautiful?" asked Stacy

"Because we are here." says John.

"Here, you are confusing me John." says Stacy.

John goes up to the fence that had said restricted and and opened the unhooked door and walked in. John jester for Stacy to follow, she followed.

"Ok John what the fuck is this?" asked Stacy.

"This is beauty."says John as he goes up to the building and tries to open the door.

"John what the fuck is going on?" asked Stacy

John just kept ignoring her and tried once more to get into the building. Stacy just stood there waiting for an answer.

"Stacy give me your bobbing pin." says John jestering for Stacy to give him the bobbing pin.

Stacy pulls out the pin and hands it to John. "Now tell me what the fuck is this?" says Stacy.

John gets the door open. "Yes!!" yells John.

"John?" yells Stacy.

John turns to Stacy and goes up to her and grabes her face and look at her in the eyes.

"Stacy dear this is where they kept the Alpha Pod, the one plant that was genetically made by man." says John.

" I know what you are doing now you are gonna break in there get what ever they have that made the plant and take it home back to the lab." says Stacys as she pulls away from John.

"Baby that is the beauty of it though we can have a whole new plant back in America, that was just a myth but can be brought as a reality." says John.

"Fuck that John no I am not gonna have no part in this." says Stacy as she starts walking away.

John grabes Stacys arm "Look you don't have to go in I will I just need you to watch the gates." says John.

Stacy looks at John "Fine" says Stacy.

John kiss Stacy forehead and heads inside. John looks around but doesn't see much but warning signs, John came up to a door that said Lab.

"Yes what I was looking for." says John

John opens the door and goes inside, he looks around and spots a cabinet and goes over to.

"Fuck Damn it!!" yells John as he kicks the cabinet.

John rushes back out side and doesn't see Stacy,he looks around calls her name out but no response. He looks around one more time and he spots it, the Alpha Pod. John rushes over to the plant and picks the plant up from the ground and hides it in his jacket and heads back to the street and to the car. He gets up and the car is there but Stacy isn't. John gets back to the hotel room and on the bed is a note from Stacy.

Dear John,

I love you but your wife had called and said she is on her way and I think you need to spend time with her, and another thing I don't think the idea of you taking that plant sample was smart either, so i decided to hop on a plane back home. Love Stacy

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