Chapter 9

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A few hours later

The guy comes out of the strip club all drunk and wobbly, except for Ty. Ty helped the guys into the car and began to drive home. They get home and Ty helps the guys into the house one by one making sure that they didn't fall or hurt them selfes going into the house.

"Ty why do you help so much?" asked Neil

"Because Neil that is me now lay down." says Ty

"Ty why don't she love me?" asked Neil

Ty let out a sigh and looked at Neil " Neil look you loved her she loved you but some times things don't work out and if you love her then hold on to that and make sure you show her as much as you can." says Ty

"Neil don't let her forget how much you love her." says Ashton as he passes out.

Ty and the rest of the guys manage to fall asleep somewhere. When the morning came Neil had got up and went into the kitchen and saws Luke and Ty making breakfast.

"What time did we get home?"asked Neil

"Not for sure but have a seat breakfast is almost done." says Luke

Neil sits at the table and looks at Ty." Hey Ty what did I say last night?" asked Neil

Ty goes over to Neil and was about to speak when Ashton and Tanner came in.

"Ty it is best not to say." says Ashton

Ty looks at Ashton and nodds." Ok guys have there are some eggs sausage and bacon we also made some pork chops so dig in." says TY 

"Oh hey guys I got to go to the station before I head to the church I might be there around two." says Neil

"Oh ok Neil." says George

Neil gets up from the table and goes takes a shower and gets dress, when he comes out it is about eleven thirty in the morning. He goes to the living room and tells the guys bye and that he will see them later and he heads to the new station. When he gets to the station he sees one of his co workers.

"Hey Neil?" says Meg all confused

"I am just gonna get something from my office so don't worry I am not gonna work on my dayoff." says Neil

Neil heads to his office and closes the door behind him and goes sits on his chair and sighs. He looks at his desk drawer and he pulls out a key from his pocket and opens the desk drawer and looks down. As he is looking down he reaches into the desk and pulls out a picture and starts to tear up. He laid it on his desk and looked at it.

"How could I let something as beautiful as you go Diane." whispers Neil right before his phone rings

:"Hello?":says Neil

:"Yeah Neil we were wondering if you were gonna still come help set up the church?": asked Diane

:"Yeah I am I will be there in about an hour.":says Neil

:"Thanks Neil see you in a bit.": says Diane hanging up the phone.

:" Yeah hey Diane I love you.": says Neil as she hung up the phone.

Neil looks at the picture on his desk one more time and grabbed it and stuffed in to his coat pocket and closed and locked the drawer again and got up and decided to leave and head to the church, as he was in his car about to head to the church he got a phone call from Ashton.

:"Ashton is everything ok?": asked Neil

;" Yeah I am ok but it is George he got cold feet about marrying Nicky.":says Ashton

:" I am on my way hold on.:" says Neil hanging up the phone.

Neil drives back to Nicky's house as he gets to Nickys house he runs into the house to see George sitting at the kitchen table.

"George what are you doing?" asked Neil

"I don't know." says George

"Well then get up and go get ready for your wedding." says Neil

"I can't." says George

"Why the fuck not?'' asked Neil

"Because I can't she don't deserve a man like me." says George

"You listen here George she wouldn't of said yes to you asking her to marry you if she didn't love you. She loves you more t han anything and when you see her walk down that isle you are gonna cry because you can't believe that she loves a man like you.So you get off your ass and go get ready." says Neil

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