Chapter 15

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John looks out the window of his office and sees that Viva's car is still there he stands there for a minute longer before walking aways and out his office door. As John is walking down the hall one of his patience comes in.

"John just the person I wanted to see."say the patience

"Millie I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow." says John

"Yeah but this couldn't wait I tried calling your office but no one answered and I really need someone to talk to." says Millie

"Yeah sure come on let's go to my office." says John walking back to his office.

As they get to his office John sits in his chair and motions Millie to sit down."So what is it that you need to talk about Millie is it your mother again?"asked John

"No it isn't, I have been having those dreams again I can't shake them off, I can't get them out of my head."said Millie

John got up and went to the file cabinet and opened it and found Millie Greener's file. John starts to look through it then looks up at Millie.

"Ok the ones about someone hurting you or is it the one where you are killing someone and you aren't controlling your own body in the dream?" asked John

"The one I am murdering someone." says Millie shaky

"Well tell me about them if you would." says John.

John pulled out a note pad and began writing as Millie talks about the dream.

"It starts off with me in this room,not my room but someone's room I can't tell who's room it is but I know it seems familiar. I'm looking around and I see nothing but blood I look down and there's this woman covered in blood and she was scream when I looked down I was stabbing her I was repeatedly stabbing her, her eyes were filled with innocents. I just wanted to stop but I couldn't stop stabbing her no matter how hard I tried my arms made the movements and I couldn't stop I wanted to so bad." says Millie

"Well how did you feel?"asked John

"I hated it but deep down I felt good I liked seeing the red but I hated seeing it." says Millie

John wrote something on a piece of paper and looked up at Millie."Millie do you think there's something wrong with you or maybe this is due to something that happened in the past?" ask John.

"Honestly I'm not for sure this woman though i've seen her before but I don't know her I can't put my finger on who she is." says Millie

"Well Millie how's your sleeping going any problems sleeping?" asked John

"Some nights I can't sleep and others I sleep but not for long without being woken up by this dreams." says Millie

"Ok well from what I am getting this might be Insomnia I want to have another session on friday to get a little more diagnoses befor I subscribe you to any medication."says John.

"Insomnia?" says Millie

"Yes Insomnia it's a sleeping disorder like being afraid to sleep at night, and from what you tell me that's what I am getting from this but I want to be sure so I want you to try to get sleep and if you can't I want you to call me and we will bring that appointment up from friday to as soon as the next day ok." says John

"Ok thanks Doctor" says Millie standing up and walking out of the office.

John sat there and looked through Millie's folder and his phone rang.

:" Hello this is Dr.John": says John

:"John it's Stacy.":says Stacy

John was quiet for a minute. :"Stacy what do you want?":asked John

:" John I want to say I am sorry for leaving you at the hotel but I had to come home I need time away from you, you were going crazy wanting to take that plant and not telling me about Viva": says Stacy before John cut her off

:"Stacy you need to stop this I made a mistake with you so don't call me again and I'm glad you left me there because it gave me time to think about my wife and me needing to fix what you ruined so stop calling me.": says John hanging up.

John's assistant came into his office. "Just a reminder you have George Bowes wedding to go to today at 6" says the assistant.

"Thanks doll." says John as she walks out.

John sits there at his desk,he takes a deep breath and lost it he started pushing everything off of his desk after he was done he dropped to the floor and started crying. John's assistant knocked on the door and slowly came in.

"Sir are you ok?" asked the assistant.

John sat there looking at a picture of his wife on the floor with a cracked frame. "Shanna i'm just fine please get out and close the door." says John

"Yes sir." says the assistant closing the door.

John sits there and stares at the Alpha pod the only thing left on his desk,he takes a deep breath and starts to clean up the mess once he put everything back on his desk. John sat at his chair looking at the picture of Viva.

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