Chapter 19

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John sits there a bit longer looking at the picture of his wife Viva."How did I let this happen, how could I let that women get in between my perfect marriage that I had with my wife for five years." John asked himself. He sat there staring at that picture till his eyes hurt, he began to rub them as he is rubbing his eyes John notices that they are starting to really hurt him he gets up and heads to the bathroom to look at his eyes. John reaches the bathroom and looks in the mirror at his eyes. His eyes were watery and puffy, he examined them a bit more, the white part of his eyes were red as if he didn't get enough sleep. John shuffled through his drawers looking for a wash rag to wipe his eyes to see if that would work. He finds a wash rag and wets it with hot water and starts to dab his eyes, but that does nothing but make it worst for him,as he dabs his eyes the dabbing turns into rubbing then the rubbing turns into irritation and him using his fingers to rub his eyes instead of the rag. John then leaves the bathroom and sits on his chair and he finds himself staring at Viva's picture again, he can't help but feel lonely without her next to him. John sits there for a few minutes before snapping back into reality he sits up in his chair and pulls out a piece of paper and starts to right down everything that just happened.

"Did I just experience a sign of depression." John asked himself.

John went back to writing on the piece of paper before looking at the clock it says 3:30 p.m. John picked up his phone and found Viva's number and started texting her.

Viva please talk to me I am sorry, I made some fucked up mistakes and I know realized that I can't live without you, when I was out there I couldn't see myself there with her, I know now that I made the biggest mistake with her. Please forgive me Viva I love you with all my heart, I still remember every word of my vows that I told you and I know I broke them but please forgive me.

John looks at the text for a few minutes before erasing it and starting over.

Viva I love you. Is all John put on the text this time before he erased that but he decided to put the phone back down on the table. He sits back in his chair and looks at door of his office for a good ten minutes before his assistant comes in.

"Sir?" says his Assistant.

John looks a bit out of it and answers the assistant "Yes?" say John

"Um you have a Kevin Bowten here to see you, would you like me to tell him you're busy ?" the assistant asked

"No No that is fine I can see him send him in please." John says sitting straight up in his seat.

The assistant leaves the room and send the guy in.

"Hello Mr.Bowten how are you today?" asked John

The man looks at John. "I am fine today." says Kevin

"Okay what brings you here to my office today?" John asked.

"Im not sure I have been feeling a bit lonesome lately and.." says Kevin

"Well sit down and we will have a little chat." John said with a friendly smile.

The man came in and sat down, he was pulling his sleeves for his shirt down and wasn't able to sit still.John wrote and a piece of paper { possible self harm left arm}

"So Kevin how have you been lately any anxiety or depression possibly any mood change ?" asked John.

The sat there and looked at John"They keep watching me." says Kevin looking around as if he is being watched.

John looked at the man "Who's watching you Kevin?" asked John

"Them, they watch us all the time when we sleep when Kevin leaves the house." says Kevin

John looks at Kevin and back at his paper wrote down {talking in third person-paranoia-delusion} then he looks back a Kevin. "Kevin Im need you to help me with these things that are watching you what do they look like?" asked John.

"They are big and like us you know people" Kevin looks around "They don't want me talking to you I have to go" Says Kevin standing up.
John looks at Kevin before standing up."come on Kevin sit. Back down ." John says calling his assistant into the room. He orders the assistant to call in Kevin medicine and to get back to him when they were in. John looks over to Kevin."kevin have you been taking your meds?" John asked.
Kevin nodds "yes I have.but they are still there." Says Kevin
John goes sits back down and looks over at Kevin with a since of loneliness,then he looks back at his notes to see what the diagnosis is. About thirty minutes later the assistant comes back in.
"Sir is medicine is in and ready to go." Says the assistant.
"Good please bring it in." John says looking at Kevin .
"Kevin we are going to take your medicine and your wife is on her way." John says looking at Kevin
Kevin was unresponsive towards John just looking around,John pulled out his file and called his wife explaining what was going on and asked her to come and get Kevin and take him home,she agreed and was on her way. The assistant comes back in with a tray with a plastic cup of water and a napkin with two pills on it. John goes over to his assistant and takes the medicine and sits in front of Kevin.
"Kevin take this,this will get them to stop talking " says John handing Kevin the medicine.
"I called his wife she is on her way to come pick him up."John told his assistant.
The assistant left the room and John sat in the room with Kevin in silence,Kevin just looked at John studying him, John felt uneasy but he need to stay professional so he just stood there in his chair in till the assistant comes back into the room with a women.
"Great your here" says John standing up and walk towards her. He talk to Kevin's wife explaining why was going on and have her a prescription for a higher dose of medicine. John went back to his chair as he watched the two leave his office. As soon as the door closed John started crying, he felt as if he didn't know why he was crying,he felt lonly like he need to be with people but he didn't know who to call. Well John was crying his assistant comes in noticing him crying so she goes over to him.
"Sir are you ok?" She asked
John looked at her his eyes puffy and red again,she saw in his eyes he need someone so she went to him and started to hug him and comfort him.
"It's ok John " She said unsure what he was going to say.

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