Chapter 16

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"So Neil it looks like me and you are gonna be eran runners." says Diane

"Oh yeah how did that happen?" asked Neil

"We both have to go get something so the girls thought it might be better if we both go we have to stop by my house and Nicky's house so it looks like we are the runners." laughs Diane

"Ok sounds like a plan who's car are we taking?" asked Neil

"We can take your car." says Diane

"Ok." says Neil

They both head to the car and get in as Neil starts the car and looks at Diane. Diane smiles.

"So where are we going first?" asked Neil

"We are going to Nicky's first so you can get what you need and then we can go to my house to get the keys." says Diane

"Sounds like a plan." says Neil as he starts the car and begins to drive.

As they are driving it is completely quiet no one saying anything. Diane is looking out the window trying not to look at Neil.

"So Diane how you been?"asked Neil

"Im great how about you?"asked Diane

"Yeah I'm good had a blast last night with the guys, so we are here do you want me to run in or are you gonna do the running well I be the driver." asked Neil

"Yeah we can do that" says Diane as she gets out of the car.

Diane walks up to the house and takes a deep breath and notices that Neil still has the keys.

"Hey Neil I need Nicky's house keys" yells Diane

Neil got out of the car and walked over to Diane and handed her the keys. "It looks like we both the runners know." laughs Neil

Neil and Diane walk into the house. "So what are you getting?" asked Diane

"Oh I got to get the guys suites they lifted it here." says Neil

Diane laughs" It looks like you guys wouldn't of handled the kids." says Diane

"Ok yeah your right, honestly I was gonna argue with you about that but you're right we probably would of screwed that up." says Neil

"Well i'll wait right here well you get the bags." says Diane

Neil smiles and goes grabs the bags, as Diane waits she looks at the picture on the wall it is of a flower of some sort it's running with colors.Diane stands there looking at it as Neil comes around the corner with the bag and sneaks up behind Diane.

"So are you ready to go or you gonna stare at that picture the whole time." laughs Neil

Diane turns around."We can leave now I just never seen this one in the house it is beautiful." says Diane.

Neil and Diane get into the car and head to Diane's house. As they are driving Neil starts to talk to Diane.

"So Diane I herd you finally got that building you wanted for your art gallery." say Neil

"Yeah I did,it's really nice but I just can't seem to figure out how I want to paint it to fix it up, believe me it needs work done to it." says Diane.

"Yeah I mean I can help if you need it, I mean I don't have anything to do since the stations going on holiday soon."say Neil

"You really don't need to do that Neil, you have a business to run."says Diane

"Yeah I do but come on it isn't like i'm the boss or nothing." laughs Neil

Diane laughs and gave Neil a little push "Hey i'm driving." laughs Neil

They pull up to Diane's house and Diane gets out of the car and goes up to her house and goes inside to get the keys that Nicky left. As Diane is in the house Neil stays in the car, he sits there with his head leaned up against the steering wheel.

"I'm so stupid" whispers Neil

Neil lifts his head up and looks at Diane's door and out comes Diane she locks the door and heads to the car. She gets in the car and looks at Neil.

"Are you ok?" asked Diane

"Yeah I am fine why you ask?" asked Neil

"I don't know you looked kinda upset about something." says Diane

"No I'm good so did you get the keys" asked Neil

"Yeah I did and I was gonna call her to let her know we are on our way." says Diane

"Sounds good" says Neil as he starts the car and begins to drive.

:"Hey Nicky it is Diane and I have the keys and me and Neil are on our way back to the church unless there is something else you need me to get.": say Diane

:"Um I don't think so but you may need to call the caterers they aren't here yet and Marie wants me to give the phone to Ann so she can call but I thought you or Kaylee should call.": says Nicky

:"Yeah I can call unless Kaylee's gonna do it.": says Diane

:"No she wants you to do it well she helps my mom with the kids.": says Nicky

:"Ok then I will call them.":says Diane

:"Ok bye love you.": say Nicky as she hangs up the phone.

"So what's up?" asked Neil

"Oh I just got to call the caterer because they aren't there to set up." says Diane as she puts the phone back up to her ear.

"Oh." says Neil

Diane nodes at Neil and starts talking on the phone.

:"Hello yes this Diane Ketch and Nicky Hefner had order a cartier for today from 10:30 a.m to 12:00 a.m for a wedding and they have not arrived at the church for setup and it is 11:55.": says Diane

:" Ok well Mrs Ketch what I can" Diane interrupts him "It is Miss." says Diane "Sorry about that so what I can do is look up where they are now and get back to you.": says the catering company

:"Ok well then I will be waiting right here on the other line": says Diane

"So they got me on hold see this is why I hate companies that can't keep up with their jobs." says Diane

"Well that's how it is. Damn it! we're stuck in traffic." says Neil

"Shit I hope we can still make it to the church before hand I still need to get dress and hair and makeup." laughs Diane

"Oh man me to I need to ask the guys what's the right shade of lipstick." laughs Neil

Diane nudges Neils arm laughing.

:" Hello Miss Ketch?": says the Catering company

:"Yes yes." says Diane

:"Yes so we looked it up and from what we see you paid for it but it wasn't put into the system till an hour and a half ago so what I can do for you is give you half of what you paid and send the team of caterers over now.": says the catering company

:"Well I guess that is the only option so yes let's do that.": says Diane

:"Ok well have the guys over as soon as we can. Is there anything else I can help you with?": ask the catering company

:"No that is it.": says Diane hanging up the phone.

"So that is taken care of." says Diane

"Hey Diane I...." says Neil

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