Chapter 13

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Kay leaves the house as she is in her car she decides to call Ashton.

:"Hey so I guess you're still asleep so I want to say I love you and if you and the guys can pick up James before you go to the wedding that would be nice, I guess that would be it um see you at the wedding Love you. ?": says Kay

Kay hangs up the phone and heads to the hospital on the way she passes by the physciatrist office she sees Vivas car in the driveway and what looks like her sitting in her car so Kay decided to pull up and parks and gets out and walks over to Viva's car and Kay sees her crying.

Kay knocks on the window.

"Viva are you ok?" asked Kay

Viva rolls down her window and wipes her tears away "Yeah im fine im just leaving" says Viva.

"Are you sure you wanna talk about it?" asked Kay.

Viva looks at Kay and Kay can tell that Viva is about to start crying again.

"No no really i'm fine." says Viva as she starts crying.

"Ok well i'm gonna git in ok so we can talk about it." says Kay as she goes around and gets in the passenger seat.

"You don't have to do this Kay." says Viva

"Yes I do you are a friend and I like to help my friends." says Kay

"Thats nice to hear and don't you have Nicky's wedding to go to?" says Viva

"Yeah but that isn't for a couple of hours and I have time so come on tell me Viva what's wrong?"asked Kay

"Ok well first of all John was having affair with Stacy and everyone knows it, if I may ask did you know about it Kay?" asked Viva

Kay took a deep breath and looked at Viva "Look Viva everyone knew and we didn't" says Kay before Viva cut her off

"You knew and you didn't tell me how could you?" says Viva

"Viva it's not like that" says Kay

"Then what is it like." says Viva

"I wanted to tell you and so did Diane but everyone told us not to because it would ruin things for you and John and come on ten years that is a really long time to be married and." says Kay before Viva cuts her off again.

"Kay quiet with the bull shit, you had every chance to tell me that John and that whore Stacy was fooling around but you didn't you wanted to keep it to yourself like a selfish person, you're not my friend you're nothing but someone I know. You know what get out my car." says Viva

"Come on Viva please don't do this, I do mean it I am really your friend." says Kay

"I don't care get out of my damn car right know I don't want to see your face I don't want to see any of your damn face get out of my fucking car!!" yells Viva

"Ok" says Kay as she gets out of Viva's car as soon as she got out Viva drove off yelling "Fuck you John Maxton and all your fucked up friends."

Kay walks back to her car with shock and her phone rings.

:"Yup hello": says Kay stumbling to answer it

:"Yeah are you ok babe you sound a little busy?": asked Ashton.

:"No not yet I just got done talking to Viva": says Kay

:"Wow how did that happen, I thought you were with the girls, and she was with John on there anniversary.":says Ashton.

:"Well I got called into work and I told Nicky I would be there in time for the wedding, and Viva was in the parking lot of John's office and she was crying and I asked her what was wrong.":says Kay

:"Well what happened?": asked Ashton

:"If you could believe it it was about Stacy and she knows about Stacy and John, and not just that she knows that we all know about it. She got all upset that she found out about it not just that we know that we didn't tell her. I mean Ashton she got really mad that I of all people didn't tell her.":says Kay

:"Well babe I understand that she's upset but don't take it personal you were just trying to help her but then again we both had the chance and the option to say something to her but we didn't and I understand why she is mad.":says Ashton

:"Yeah I understand but that's that so babe you gonna pick up James and get him ready for the wedding and i'll met you at the church at 4:30.": says Kay

"Yeah babe I'll pick them all up and take them back to Nicky's house and get them ready, oh and by the way did you know Ann has a boyfriend?":asked Ashton.

:" Funny thing she told me last night, I honestly didn't think she was gonna get a boyfriend because of the last relationship she had but she did good for herself.": says Kay

:"Yeah for real but she did good he's a really cool guy.":says Ashton before Kay cuts him off.

:"Hey babe that's work calling I got to go I love you see you at the church.":say Kay

:"Ok love you.": say Ashton as they both hang up.

Kay answer the call from the hospital. :"Hello this is Kay": says Kay

:"Yes Kay um this is Ned and they wanted to know if you were still coming in?": asked Ned

:" Yes Yes I'm on my way know actually.": says Kay

:"Great ok well see you when you get here.""says Ned hanging up.

Kay gets into her car and starts to head to the hospital.

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