Always a little truth

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The small family of misfits and aliens stayed together for a while all resting after their ordeal

Y/n couldn't help but look down once again to the silver hand with golden joints and feeling a seething anger well up in her heart and mind, the phantom pain that she would often feel front her severed appendage plagued her , and the hate grew darker, hate of the mechanical monster,  hate for the metal replacement,  and most of all , hate for herself for not being able to defend herself and getting people hurt

But those feelings were pushed from her mind whenever she felt Mara squeeze her hand reassuringly, the helmeted woman and the other bounty hunters were her only semblance of family in the universe


Sledge watched all this from his place near the door, and felt a tiny smile,  the kid had been tough, losing any part of yourself couldn't ever be easy, he knew from experience

Looking up from the family scene he saw two of his own boys talking in lowered voices,  he leaned a little closer trying to deduce what they were talking about but he could only make out something about "com system "

"What are you two up to?"

They both looked up and he found it was blip and lock

"Oh hey boss, we were just thinking up a little gift for the kiddo to bring her spirits up, just need to see if we can get into the armory"

Sledge sighed and shook his head
"Your not giving the kid a blaster "

Blip stock his head a grin across his face
"No, no, thats not it, come on, we'll show ya"

Sledge followed the two out leaving the little family alone


The hunters and the child sat for a good long while silently

Ace thought about everything that happened, everything that could happen,  the three of them hadn't been enough to protect y/n, Grievous' attack had made that fact painfully clear, the forces they were now up against towered over the little family threading to crush them all under its enormous weight

He leaned toward Mara and sighed
"Hey, I need to talk to you for a second "

Her helmet turned to look him in the face blankly

"Its important "

She growled and looked to the little orange alien, the light of her life, like her own little star
"Me and Ace will be right back my little sunspot" she said booping the child's nose making her giggle

Ace led her off to the other side of the room

"You know we're gonna need more help to keep her safe now, the seps are gonna send even more when they try again "

Mara sighed
"I know,  I've thought about it to, what do you have in mind? Anyone we could hire? What about Embo? Or bossk perhaps?"

Ace smiled a little
"I dunno if we could get anyone like that with republic credits,  besides I have another idea, remember that IG unit?"

Mara had to stop herself from smacking Ace upside the head with the butt of her bladter
"Hell no! That thing would kill her! Or run off to fulfill its bounty with the count! "

"Not if we reprogram it"

Mara made a scoffing sound
"You say that like its easy, you can't just flip a switch, you need..."

"A Completely new prosser and memory core, and new backups to wipe any residual programs,  I know, that's why me and Sarrak were gonna head to lotho minor and scavenge what we need"

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