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As soon as mara entered the Jedi council room she knew something felt off, it was ace, why was he in here?

They had sarrak her to

Mara: what's going on?

Kenobi: please take a seat
He said not answering her question, he pointed to one of their soft looking chairs

Mara: I didn't ask for a seat, I asked for answers

The one called plo koon laughs a little
Plo: I told you she wouldn't need the pleasantries

Kenobi: fine, your wanted in 13 different star systems that we know of for various crimes, but I believe that's all part of the job for a bounty hunter isn't it?

Mara nods smiling in her helmet
Mara: hunters gotta eat

Mace: well we would hope to have y/n to stay with us, if you were to be turned in for your many crimes then she would most likely try to escape and find you

Mara: she's a good girl

Mace: and very powerful, if she were to allow her emotions to cloud her judgment then people could get hurt

Mara: I have a bad feeling about this, because if your gonna try to separate us then you will need to kill me before I kill you

Kenobi: that's not what we were going to recommend, we'd like to offer you a way to actually help with this war, your skills are
Quite legendary, we'd like the three of you to fight with us

Mara was surprised to say the least, ace and sarrak didn't trust it at all especially ace

Ace: what is this? A trick?

Mace: stand down clone


Mara saw him almost reach for his blaster out of anger

Sarrak stood with ace growling

Mara: ace, calm down

He sighs and takes off his helmet revealing his face

Kenobi: no trick, we want you to become an elite squad for the republic army

Mara could see where this might go

Mara: your trying to get us out of the way from y/n, arnt you?

They looked a little surprised

Mara: if I ever did work for you it would take a lot of credits and I'm not leaving full time, only for missions I choose to do, I will not just disappear from y/ns life, and on certain missions I would take y/n with me

This seemed to make mace windu very angry

Mace: bounty hunter, y/n would be better off in Jedi hands

Mara: considering what I've seen I sorely disagree

Mace stood and waved his hand in front of him
Mace: you will take the deal we give you

Mara waved her hand back in the same was sarcastically

Mara; no I won't, I've altered the deal, prey I don't alter it any further, those are my conditions, if you'd like to negotiate do so now

They all looked surprised for some reason

Kenobi: I believe that we should all think this over, you are dismissed

Mara rolled her eyes And left the room looking for y/n


Y/n had been wandering around fro a while since mara had left, she found herself wandering into a corridor and bumping into a few clones

She looked up to recognize the helmet of one of them as Rex

She didn't know the others

???: hey Rex, isn't that the little one you told us about? Y'know, the one that likes clones?

Rex nods removing his helmet

Rex: sure is Jessie

The called Jessie bent down to y/ns level

Jessie: well hey there kid, I hear you wanna be a clone eh?

Y/ns smile was huge as she nodded

Y/n: uh huh, I really do, clones are the coolest! One day I'll go to camino and I'll get my armor then I'll be a clone!

The all laugh

Jessie: I've never met a single Jedi who wanted to be a clone, not even a youngling
(666 words)

He took off his helmet and patted y/ns head

Jessie: what do ya say Rex, think this cadet is ready for a little mission?
Jessie gave a mischievous grin

Rex smiles

Rex:well we are heading to see general skywalker, why not

He takes his helmet and puts it on y/ns head

It didn't fit perfectly because of y/ns letu or head tendrils but y/n was incredibly happy

She stood at attention saluting towards Rex

Y/n: yes captain

One of the other clones laughed a little making finger guns

???: We might have to sneak behind enemy lines captain, so we gotta be stealthy

Y/n noded giggling

Rex: Alrighty follow my lead

Bounty to pay (star wars x child reader )Where stories live. Discover now