Something more

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(I'm just a simple person, writing my way through this story)


Y/n liked ahsoka, she was like a big sis that y/n had never had, but after a while she wanted to get back to Mara

"Miss soka? Can we go back to Mara please?"

The orange woman looked at her and gave her a sad smile and laughed a little at y/ns miss pronunciation

"Sure kid, but tell me something first, what is Mara to you?"

Y/n hadn't expected this question

"Mara is ...."

She knew what she wanted to say, knew it so well in her heart that it was screaming to escape her lips but she couldn't say it, not until she knew If Mara felt the same, she couldn't bare the heartbreak of saying it out loud and having it shattered

Ahsoka looks at her
"You have a strong attachment to her..... that can be a .... difficult thing when training as a jedi...."

Y/n looked at ahsoka
"I never wanted to be a jedi, especially if it means leaving Mara, But the magic people say I have to, I wanna be a clone though, that way I can help people and stay with Mara"

Ahsokas heart broke at this, this child didn't quite understand the world yet but everything she said hit like a hammer

"I'm sorry y/n, let's get you back to Mara then"

The older tongruta walked y/n back down to the hold that Mara had parked in to find all of hammerfall company apparently searching for something

One of the clones looked up and saw y/n
"I found her commander, she's right here"

Mara seemingly out of nowhere ran to y/n and picked her up hugging her close

"Oh y/n don't scare me like that, I was worried sick"

Y/n felt bad for this
"I'm sorry Mara"

"It's ok little one just don't do that again "

Mara was flooded with relief and kept y/n close to her the rest of the trip, it was mere hours before they reached yavin system

During this time Mara and y/n got to know a few of the troopers in their company and now Mara was realizing the carat amount of personalities that developed in clones, there were the gruff battle hardened soldiers like ace and sledge, the cocky rookies, and the odd balls, each had different ideas, likes, dislikes, even slightly different vocal patterns

The two she was really starting to like was lock and blip, that were both good natured men with a healthy love of combat with the scars to show their experience

And to further help the clones case they were kind to y/n , always a good step when dealing with Mara

Lock and Ace had been swapping stories, lock was ark trooper, while not as good as a commando ark troopers still got aces respect

Sarrak and sledge were discussing the best repeating blasters and comparing their own

Everyone was doing rather well, the company had good chemistry, and based off of these interactions they had good chemistry with their commanders as well

"We have arrived at our destination"
The intercom blared out over them

Sledge hoisted up his blaster
"Alright boys, this should be simple garrison duty, but that doesn't mean anything, be prepared for anything, Hamerfall! Move out!"

They all headed for the gun ships while Mara and her bounty hunters went to the lucky

"Alright everyone, let's get this done quick as possible, we got something to do after this"

Ace nods
"Hey, we got this bucket head"

Mara turned and glared at him
"Say that again and I'm gonna have sarrak throw you out into space"

Ace just laughed and put on his own bucket
"Lets do this@

Bounty to pay (star wars x child reader )Where stories live. Discover now