Jedi encounter

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The lightsaber in maras hand hummed with power as she looks around at the bar, they all stared in silence at the blade of energy

"Alright, we were never here, none of you ever saw us, I'd you say anything you'll beg for death when I'm done with you"

Mara let out a surprised sound when she felt a tiny pair of arm wrap around her

She looks down to see y/n had hugged her around the waist crying, she could here the child's soft whispers flee her parents, asking them to cams back

Mara had to keep the sadness out of her voice when she spoke to her crew
"We have to go.....we can get food somewhere else"

She hit the button on the lightsaber and it turned off so she could put it back in her belt

She looked at the girl and couldn't help what she did next, she picked the child up and held her close
"It's ok little one"

They left the bar the lizard growling at them all for good measure

"That was a disaster "


As they walked Mara looked down at the girl in her arms, she seemed to have fallen asleep and tiny snores could be heard

While she had been looking down she bumped into someone else

The other person looks at her
"I'm sorry I....."

She was a kel'dor chick with those odd masks and goggles over their eyes and mouth

She was a kel'dor chick with those odd masks and goggles over their eyes and mouth

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She waved her hand over the child's head
"Wow.....your daughter.....she is strong in the force...."

"Oh, she's not my daughter..... I just look after her"

Mara was backing away slowly from the Jedi

The Jedi nods
"Nonetheless you should allow me to bring her toy the Jedi counsel to be tested and trained in the force "

Mara slowly brought her free hand to her pistol
"That's ok, I think she's fine for now, maybe another time"

"But ma'am she might not get another chance, and if she doesn't get trained properly she could harm herself or others, even got to the dark side "

Mara drew her blaster quickly
"Leave us alone "

The Jedi with her cheep tricks made the gun fly from maras hands
"No need for violence"
The Jedi says

Ace and the lizard both drew their weapons pointing it at the Jedi Mara took this chance to retrieve her gun

They backed away slowly from the Jedi who stayed a safe distance away from the hunters her hands up

"We are leaving "

Mara and the crew ran as soon as they got around a corner back towards the ship

"That Jedi will be tailing us, we gotta jump to hyperspace so she'll lose us"

"What?!?! Are you crazy, we don't have enough fuel!"

"I do r care right now, just go go go"

They piled onto the ship and jettisoned off towards opal space

The Jedi followed what was most likely a bounty hunter ship that had a small force sensitive child

She had to tell her uncle, he was a Jedi master, part of the council, he would know what to do

"Come on what would he do"

She remembered what he had said once

"When you are unable to see the next step then you must trust in the force, meditate, close your eyes as ons open your mind to the will of the force and it shall guide you"

She closed her eyes meditating for maybe 5 minutes before she saw her vision, it was deep space with a big planet covered In cities

".... Coruscant....."
She whispers to herself

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