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After a number of tests with the medical Droid, y/n was finally cleared and told she could continue normal action. The child however found this to be unlikely, nothing would be normal anymore with this hunk of cold metal replacing her previously dominant hand.

She sighed as she left the medical chambers, prosthetic had clenched in maraschino Armored one. They walked leisurely through the cloning facility in pure wonder as y/n was allowed to see her dream in action.

"This place is amazing Mara.... so many clones.... they all look so cool."

The helmeted mandalorian gave a small chuckle and nodded.

"It sure is little one, wanna know something interesting about all this?"

Y/n turned to her, her big hazle eyes filled with wonder.

"The person all of these clones were made from was a mandalorian, one of my people, and a bounty hunter as well, just like me."

Y/ns already large eyes grew wider with wonder, Mara could tell her mind was blown.

"So you mean..... all of the clones are mandalorians? So your just like them?!"
The child asked with an hopeful smile.

Mara laughed and shook her head.

"Unfortunately not, mandalorians are a very special people. You don't have to be born a mandalorian to become one, I was born as something else entirely, but by parents abandoned me for the ac... for something the believed was more important. It's a story for another time I guess.... but the mandalorians took me in, gave me everything I have, the path to you my little sun spot."

She booked y/ns nose.
"how about I tell you it after we see your master? Would you like that?"

Y/n nodded vigorously as her smile grew, Mara was still baffled that the child could be this happy after everything she had gone through. She secretly worried for the child's mind, the trauma and pain of everything must be taking its toll, it was only a matter of time before it all boiled over.

They finally reached the hamger where the kel'dore jedi stood waiting for them, shaw opened her arms and allowed y/n to run and embrace her.

Sha koon

Sha knew that this show of affection was probably against jedi rules buy at the moment she hardly cared, she was happy to see her student again.

"Hello my dear Padawan, it has be some time, I trust you have been keeping up with your saber practice?"

She saw the child's face fall and noticed the distinct lack of training saber.

"No master Sha, I did until...."
The child suddenly shivered and clenched her new mechanical hand. Of course Sha had heard what happened with Grievous, but she didn't know how bad it had been.

"It's alright, fortunately I have brought you a recovery gift, try not to lose this one."

Using the force she summoned the new training blade to her hand and held it out to the child.

"It's still only for training mind you, when your old enough, you get to go to illum and craft a safe of your own. But until then your training must continue, now, are you ready?"

The child looked at her hesitantly, then down to the mechanical arm.

"Master..... I-I don't know if I can... this arm-"

"Is a part of you now"
Sha interrupted, silencing the protest.

"A jedi doesn't let something like this slow them down, do re remember master Skywalker?"

From seemingly nowhere a young voice sounded with a laugh.
"I hope she remembers me, it might Hutt my feelings I'd she doesn't "

They all turned to find aniken Skywalker strolling towards them

"And shas right, a mechanical limb is just something you'll need to accept,  the longer you fight it, the harder it gets, I should know."

He undid one of the fasteners on his glove and removed it, revealing the golden skeletal hand Bellow.

"I you could say I have first hand experience."

They all heard a snicker and were surprised to see Mara attempting to stifle a laugh at the unintentional pun.

They talked for a long time after that, anikan and y/n swapping stories on how they lost their limbs. After their talk y/n seemed to have made up her mind as she ignited the practice saber and began to go through the basic motions of the jar'kai technique of saber wielding.

Sha knew it might be wrong of her but she felt a sense of pride in her student.

"Good work my youngling,  but I think your ready for a bit more."

They ended up training for the next several hours, getting lost in the fluid movments of the singing blade of energy.  Shas quick and practiced movments,  to y/ns slightly slower imitations as she learned.

More then once she thought she saw the mandalorian attempt those same moves, holding something small and silver in her hands, interesting.

"Well done Padawan y/n, I believe that is sufficient for today, and I do expect you to keep practicing whenever you depart with the mandalorian. "

The child nodded as she powered down her saber.

"Yes master Sha, I promise I will."

The mandalorian stepped forward and nodded.

"I'll make sure she dose, especially now, we need to get ourselves a new ship soon, something we can work and live in, we'll probably stop by tatooine. "

Sha nodded, vaguely remembering how the hunters old ship had been lost to secure the child from Grievous.

"Yes, I suppose you would,  perhaps I should accompany you two? Continue her training while we travel,  her force abilities require training as well."

Despite the helmet Sha could see the hesitation in her answer.

"I suppose you could, as long as your jedi sensitivities can handle that criminal dirt ball."

Sha nearly laughed out loud.

"I assure you Mara, I can definitely handle criminals like you, it's actually rather exciting to me."

This caused a momentary silence from everyone in the group.

They dispersed after that, each heading their separate ways.


As the two returned to their quarters y/n was reminded of the questions she had been waiting to ask for hours.

"Mara..... can you tell me about how you became a mandalorian? You said you would tell me after training. "

The helmeted woman gave a low laugh.
"That I did my dear, that I did. Alright then, sit down and I'll tell you my story."

(Another labor of love and reasearch,  I had to do a shit tone of reasearch to begin to fill out maras backstory and future, I loved writing this so much and I hope you enjoy.

I have big plans for this story,  but I'd also like to hear any ideas you guys have

Random question time

What kind of pet might y/n get?

What should y/ns mask look like (BTW I have an amazing idea for this already but I'd still like to hear your ideas as well)

What should y/ns lightsaber look like?

What other force abilities/ saber styles should y/n learn

What do you think of (REDACTED)

Why did maras parents abandon her?)


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