The force

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As the Green creature let her through the halls she saw people of all ages and and species

She saw some just older then her

This master yoda was surprisingly fast and her getting distracted by shiny things really didn't help her in keeping up with him, how did he walk so fast with such little legs

She finally caught up with him as they stood outside a door
"Inside your new master is, meet her you should, yes"

Y/n didn't like this at all, it scared her, these....Jedi scared her a lot, she wanted Mara back

Yoda opened the door to revile a female with an odd helmet over that didn't look like you could see through it

She held two of those laser swords one blue one green, she was swinging them around in a blinding speed blocking a small droids blasts

Y/n started to back up until the woman spoke
"I can sense you master yoda, and let me guess, the padawan?"

"Yes, your padawan "

She sighs as she cuts the droid in half, she removes her helmet and looks over at y/n

"She's rather small isn't she?"
She put her blades away
"My name is sha koon, I guess so how much have you trained in the force?"

"The what?"

She looks at yoda
"She's has none?"

He nods

"Fine, we'll work on that first, ummm, let's try meditating"

Y/n still afraid of what might happen if she didn't do what she said so she went with her to a different room with two cushions

"Alright little one, I want you to be comfortable around me and the Jedi, I can feel how scared you are, I felt that way when I was your age as well, but my uncle helped me through, do you have any family?"

"Not really.....the people I was with were my parents friends, it just wasn't the same, then Mara......"

"The bounty hunter, correct?"

"I think so, she's the nice helmet lady "

Sha kept in her laugh
"You seem to like that one, if only she were here, hmmmm, if it helps you I guess you can think of her"

Y/n nods, this woman didn't seem so bad

"Now focus your mind and reach out with the force"

"What's the force?"

Sha koon
"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi their power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."

The child looks in aw as she used the force to life many small objects in the room making them float around
"From what I can sense your have a firm connection to the force, with training you could even rival master skywalker"

She bet the child didn't even know who that is
"So where did you used to live?"

"On Hoth"

Wow that sucked sha thought

"Oh, umm why don't we go back to meditating, hmmm?"

She sat cris cross
"Now close your eyes and try to feel the force"

She watched as the child did as she was told at first nothing happened, after about 3 minutes the child hadn't been able to do much until sha noticed a few objects start to shake then vey unstably lifted into the air

She could see the child's face and body straining to keep it up, but she would work on it later
"Well done little one"
She whispers as the objects began to fall as she lost her focus

"Well child we will be practicing a lot, so it's ok, you'll get the hang of it"

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