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Hey Y/N

You said you would always be there for me.

You and me against the world, right??

You said nothing bad would happen to you.

Kiriko misses you.

Miyako misses you.

I miss you.


Why did You have to die?

3rd Pov

Darkness surrounded the city as the night took over, its cold, icy winds blowing through, signalling the coming of the winter days.

A lone figure stood amongst a cemetary, with a single white rose on her hand.

Her hair, tyed in a ponytail, now soaking wet, no doubt from the rain that came before.

She stood infront a gravestone, a name engraved on it.

A name she did not ever think she would ever see.

A name she associated with what could essentially be her best friend.

Her shoulder to lean on.

Her friend that she can always count on.

Her friend, who stood by her side come hell or high water.

Her friend, who was there when her mother had passed on.

Her first friend.

Her first love.

Her..only love.


A Brother

A Cousin

A Friend

Born: August 16, 2002
Died: December 12, 2021

Momoko Pov

You said you'd be ok Y/N

You said everything would be fine.

So why..



A Change So Little, Yet So Big.(A Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now