Chapter 2

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Gojo Pov

"Well, we're here."

I really didn't wanna be here.

These guys are to be trusted, don't get me wrong.

But the way their actions are constantly monitored.

Not to mention, they have to report any and all activities to the government means that the things they can do are limited.

I had enough of that back at Jujutsu High, I don't need anymore.

But this alliance is important since the curses themselves are getting stronger.

Not to mention, with their influence, its possible to completely negate the higher ups' decision to execute Yuji altogether.

"Lets go in and get this over with then."

Oh yeah, there's also this guy.

Not gonna lie

When we fought

I didn't expect to get my ass handed to me.

He said he had a mediocre amount of cursed energy.


I just know he has more shit up his sleeves.

Not to mention...

Nah, Its all good.

With strength like his, there should be no doubt he'll be a great sorcerer.

His attitude needs some work.

But who am i to judge.

"Yeah, yeah calm your horses. Besides I should probably tell that some of these guys are quite paranoid so answer as truthfully as you can."

"Oh yeah, and try not to piss them off, that's my job after all."

"Come on, lets just go in."

This kid.

I hope you got what it takes to change this corrupted jujutsu world.

3rd Pov

Arriving about an hour early before the newly enrolled students, the two made their way to the headmaster's office.

It was clear both wanted to be anywhere but the place they were heading to.

But both also know the importance of needing to be there.

Well, at least Gojo did.

Not sure about Y/N.

but who cares what he thinks.

I certainly don't.


Back to the girls.

Miyako Pov

"...and thats about it."

By the time I finally finished telling Kaoru everything, she had a pretty sympathetic face.

"Ok, firstly, how come you never told me about him, Miyako, sounds like a pretty cool dude.

And secondly, Doesn't it feel out of place for Momoko to be one of the reasons he committed suicide?"

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that throughout the entire time I was telling Kaoru the story, Momoko just kept silent, occasionally nodding to confirm some bits of my story here and there.

I guess it weighed on her mind just how much out of character of her to do that.

"I know that Kaoru but trust me, not a day goes by that I don't think about that."

A Change So Little, Yet So Big.(A Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now