Prologue pt.2

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??? Pov
How have you been?
Its been hard for everyone.
Your death... was sudden.

Something that shouldn't have happened, yet it did.

Its been... difficult for everyone, especially on mom.

After all, she always wanted to be a big sister, being a only child and all.

You can probably imagine how much it tore her to see you in that casket.
I'll miss explaining to people how we just call each other cousins, despite you legally being my adopted uncle at all.

I miss you cousin.

3rd Pov
In a small house in Tokyo, a girl can be seen on her room, filled to the brim with color blue, yet its luster seem to be nonexistant, as if it wished to emulate what the girl was currently feeling.

The girl, no older than 18, with bright blonde hair, lied on her bed and seemed to spaced out, no doubt the tragedy that fell on her beloved family member still on her mind.

Her eyes, red with tears, seemed devoid of color, as if her world had shattered.

With a single blink, another tear had fell to the side her face, falling on a small, familiar, octopus plushie that the now deceased family had given her.

The plushie had wear and tear, most definitely had been tested with time, yet the girl refused to let it go, with it being the last thing he had given her that reminded her of a simpler time.

A time they cannot go back to.
For one has passed and the other still mourns.

In another home, The girl, named Momoko, sat on her bed, on her hands a photo from when she was a child.

The photo had 3 people, one was her, another her mother, and the last one was him.

How she missed him.

How she wished to see him, only for a brief moment.

Just to tell him.

How wrong she was.

How she wished to tell him how sorry she was.

How she wished to right her wrongs.

Yet, the world has never been to kind to anyone.

Anyone can die and it will still revolve around the sun.

For the world does not stop for anyone.

So why would it for her?

Momoko Pov

How happy we looked in here, huh Y/N?

What have i done?

My door creaked open.

I looked onto it and I saw my father.

Dad: Hey there, sweetie. How are you holding up?


Dad: I know you don't want to talk right now.

But wallowing in your self pity won't do you any good.


Dad: Listen Momoko,

I know its painful.

Actually no, its downright excruciatingly painful that he died.

You guys spent alot of time together.

Maybe around 2/3rds of your life, you spent with him.

And to see him go so suddenly and right infront of you.

Its indescribable.

But, I want you to know.

Your not the only one in pain.

I know it might sound insensitive but we're here and we're suffering right alongside you.

I know I might not be as good as hearing you out as he was, but we'll try.

We are here for you, sweetie.

Our door is always open for you.

I know that you made some mistakes.

Mistakes that I know you regret deep down.

I know that you feel as if this is all your fault.

And that you think you jeopardized your friendship with him

But Momoko, that fact that your crying your eyes out.

The fact that your here hurting,

Tells me that deep down, you did love him.

You did cherished him.

And what you said to him, was simply words that were thrown in a fit of anger.

I know deep down you wish to make amends with him.

And that tells me you do love him, despite everything that happened.

Do you get me?


Dad:I'm making dinner already, we'll go and save you a plate when you want to eat.

Dad did not say anything more and simply patted my head before getting up and leaving my room.

I know that everyone is hurting, not just me.

But, I don't think I have strength to seek anyone's help.

This is my fault after all.


If there is a way to make it up to him,

Then please,
Give me a sign.

I can't live with myself knowing.....
The last words I had said to him....
We're that I wished he died instead of mom.

A Change So Little, Yet So Big.(A Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now