Chapter 4

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Momoko Pov

The opening speech was finally done.

Geez, that took forever to finish.

With that out of the way, the girls started walking towards the cafeteria to grab something to eat.

"Mm, Momoko aren't you gonna come?" Miyako asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"You guys go on ahead, I still want to have a look around."

That was a lie.

I just needed to gather my thoughts, get some fresh air.

Maybe then, I'll finally be able to have some peace for a bit without unwanted memories interrupting the day.

Y/N: "Suit yourself, if you need something, I'll just be around."

Momoko:"If I need you, I can just scream from the top of my lungs and you'll be here almost immediately."

Y/N:"Obviously, who do you think won't be amazed to hear a chimp screaming only to find it coming from you."

Momoko:" You little..."

Y/N:"ANYWAYS, see you later then Pinky."








"Huh, sorry what."

"You just started staring into space all of a sudden, is everything okay?"

Miyako asked, her face riddled with concerned.

Kaoru just look worried but more so confused.

Damn it.

"I'm sorry, just a habit. Don't worry about it, Miya. I'm fine."

I lied as naturally as I breathed.

Miyako has enough on her plate already.

and besides,



This is my fault anyways.




I made my way into the courtyard of the school. The wind was blowing softly and the sun's rays were calming..

In times like these, I often find myself reminiscing about the past. Its not everyday I get the time for them.

Now that I think about it, I wonder...



We never really visit our hometown as much as we did back then.

Maybe I should go there after the initiation.


Y/N Pov

"Hey Gojo, I'm gonna take a look around the courtyard for a bit, get some fresh air."

I said to the white-haired smug faced bastard before I went ahead to the courtyard.

Jujutsu sorcery and its society as a whole was getting too exhausting to deal with, and I desperately need this.

Some peace and quiet sounds good right about now.


Well that, and I need to get away from Gojo right now.

Its starting to take a toll on me.

A Change So Little, Yet So Big.(A Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now