Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

Mei-mei: What do you mean by the extent of it, Y/N?

Y/N: I mean, by just how many worlds seems to be a part of this one, at least in terms of how many power systems exist at any given point and time.

Itadori: I'm... confused Y/N.

Y/N: Essentially, I hypothesized that this world may be a amalgamation of atleast 2 or even 3 world's equivalent of power systems, but as time went on, and with Utahime-sensei's info. It seems to be made up of atleast 5 or 6, maybe even 7 world altogether.

Nobara: Is it bad?

Y/N: No, or at least, there hasn't been any negative repercussions thats stems from it. But it is rather interesting how this world can even sustain that many at all. Not even mentioning the fact of who are capable of wielding them.

Megumi: Then what made Utahime-sensei's information conclude your suspicions?

Y/N: Given that these weapons exist, and the fact that a guerilla group exists as well can tell me which events could happen and could give me enough time to prevent them.

Gojo: Your telling us that you know what event could happen just by the fact that a certain group exists.

Y/N: Sounds unbelievable, I know. Just trust me on this one.

Nanami: Well, even if we say we do believe you. How exactly do you plan to intervene to prevent this events from happening.

Utahime: Not to mention, Can you really pinpoint what events are about to unfold just by knowing a certain group?

Y/N: (nods). By knowing each individual's location, I'll know how far or how close are we to that war I was talking about earlier. Utahime-sensei, were you able to get any info other than these?

Utahime shakes her head.

Y/N: Bummer, but this is plenty enough.

Shoko: Hang on. Y/N. You don't plan on doing this alone, are you?

Y/N: Well...

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, as Y/N kept his gaze on anywhere but them.

Y/N: (mumbles) That was the plan.

Nanami: Y/N, as powerful as you are. Going alone on this expedition is dangerous.

Itadori: Nanamin is right. Maybe we could go along with you. Or even some of the second years back in Kyoto.

Everyone else seemed to agree with Itadori.

Y/N: As much as I appreciate it. I can't let you guys go with me. What I'll be planning on doing is far more complex than just fighting them. And besides, I need you guys here to monitor and be on the lookout in case the higher ups get suspicious of me.

Gojo: Y/N, I can deal with the stuff those old geezers could try. But seeing as how you possess a curse technique that can mimic both Six Eyes, Limitless and so much more. Your just too much of a resource to risk losing.

Y/N: I know that Gojo. I'll be able to handle what they throw. The complexity lies with what that guerilla group is fighting.

Nobara: What are they even fighting anyways.

Y/N: A corrupt kingdom that's far more vile than the Jujutsu higher ups even are.

Utahime: You're.... kidding, right?

Y/N: I wish I am.

Everyone was silent at that revelation.

Megumi: Y/N, you told us that the plan your gonna go with will be complex. If your gonna go alone, at least tell us what that plan even is.

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