Chapter 5

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3rd Pov
As Y/N left the courtyard, he had began to look for Gojo in order to be off on their way.

As he continued to wall around the school looking for him, his phoned suddenly ringed.


Y/N then picked his phone up from his pocket, looked up who was calling before he answered.

Y/N: What's up, Itadori.

Itadori: Hey Y/N. Utahime-sensei was here and she uhhh got some info your gonna want to hear about. Not on the phone though, she said it'd be best if your here so unwanted ears wouldn't catch wind of this.

Y/N: Alright, I'll just get Gojo and we'll go there as fast as we can.

Itadori: Alright stay sa-

Nobara:(on a distance) Hey, Itadori, is that Y/N, hand over the phone, lemme talk to him.

Itadori: HUH, why, you gonna ask for some sh-

Nobara: Who cares, just lemme talk to him for a bit.

Y/N: ...Just hand the phone over to her, Itadori.

Itadori: Ok, if you say so.

Itadori handed his phone over to Nobara.

Nobara: Hey Y/N, when are you and Gojo-sensei gonna come back here at the school?

Y/N: When I find him, why is something happening over there?

Nobara: Yeah, Nanami-san is here and he said that something happened that no one here in Jujutsu tech could explain, he thinks you might be able to.

Y/N pondered on what Nobara was referring to.

Something that only he could explain?

He doesn't even know how this world even came to be or how it even functions, what could happen over there that he can explain?

Y/N: Alright, soon as I find Gojo, We'll head over there and take a look. Though I honestly doubt what you and Nanami are thinking.

Nobara: Ok ok, don't forget the souvenirs, see ya.

Nobara then ended the call.

Y/N then started walking to find the white haired teacher of Itadori and Nobara.

Though his mind was still plagued by what she said.

Y/N: Something only I can explain? What the hell could that even be?


Momoko left the courtyard and into the cafeteria to look for Miyako and Kaoru.

Although, her mind was still lingering on that boy she had just met on the courtyard.

Momoko: Is that name really common? I wonder... He kinda sounds like him too, but there's just no wa---.

Miyako: Oh, Momoko, over here.

Momoko looked up ahead and saw Miyako waving her arm, sitting on one of the cafeteria tables with Kaoru.

Momoko: Oh, hey guys. So how's the food?

Kaoru: Could be better, in all honesty.

Miyako: Don't mind her, she's just grumpy their aren't serving her favorite today. So where'd you ran off to?

Momoko: I just went to the courtyard for a bit, you know, tried to get some fresh air. Though, I did meet someone that just so happened to pass by.

Miyako: Really, who we're they?

A Change So Little, Yet So Big.(A Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now