Chapter 1

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"I'm off to school, Dad."

Its been two months since his death.

I wonder,

Are you watching over us up there, Y/N?

I miss you, you know.

It got to the point that I keep messaging you old number just to calm me down.

Its not just me either.

Kuriko misses you too.

So much so, that a lot of her achievements, she dedicates it all to you.

"Stay safe sweetie."

I heard Dad shout out from the kitchen room.

He's been really trying to help both me and Kuriko get through all this, even accompanying us both to therapy.

And I'm really grateful that he didn't abandon us.

Unlike what I did to you.

But, anyways, its the start of my first year at that famous institution on the southwest side of Japan.

I heard that while it teaches a number of different strands and courses, its main focus seems to be around heroism and whatnot.

Its our chance, Y/N.

You helped me before and even set aside you own dreams for mine.

Its my turn to return the favor.

And maybe...
I could meet with you up there,
When I finally atone for my sins.
Finally we made it.

Getting to the pickup area for this school took way longer than it had any right to.

I suppose its because a lot of students are enrolling but still.


Is that.

Miyako Pov

Me and Mom finallt got to the pickup are for this school that was built on the artificial island near Japan.

They say that it was built to help educate enrollees for self defense, heroism, and whatnot.


I felt a little out of place since I didn't really feel like going out there and risking my life to fight villains.


He wouldve helped and might have even signed up first.

I could atleast honor his memory by doing this.


Hearing that made me smile a little.

I turned to my left to see Momoko.

Atleast I know someone in here.

Looks like we'll get to be lonely here together.

I wonder if Kaoru will be here atleast.

"Its been a while hasn't it Momoko-san."

"It is. I'm so glad your here."

"Hehe, did you feel uneasy that you were gonna be here for awhile without knowing anyone?"


She says with a completely deadpan look on her face.

Hehe, atleast she's doing ok.

I heard she got on therapy about 3 weeks after his death.

I really wanted to reach out to her.

But I guess his death really took a toll on me.

A Change So Little, Yet So Big.(A Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now