Chapter 3

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Y/N Pov

"By the way thanks for not mentioning my curse technique."

I mumbled quietly.

Conceptual Creation.

This cursed technique allows me to manifest any concept imaginable and bring it to reality.

The drawback is that depending on the concept being manifested, and how many they are, it could drain my curse energy rapidly.

I guess I should thank my lineage that I found a way to mitigate that drawback altogether.

"Don't mention it, besides even if I did mention it, I likely wouldn't explain it to them anyways."

Gojo responded, his cheeky grin ever present on his face.

Well, at least my technique is still hidden so I guess.

"But you know, wouldn't be better if they knew about it at least to some extent."

Gojo mentioned offhandedly.

On any other situation that would be a good idea.


"If I did, think of just how much chaos that little revelation would cause.

The mere fact that I possess a cursed technique that allows me to use any and all known cursed techniques will throw the entire jujutsu society in chaos, not to mention that Ironwood would probably try to force us to have some sort of alliance with the schools in an attempt to get to our good side.

"Yeah, I guess that's reasonable, although how did you get such a powerful technique anyways.

You've always avoided the question whenever I bring it up."

I don't think you'll believe me even if I told you.

"Don't worry about it alright, for now lets get out of here, something tells me if we stay here, something chaotic could ensue."

And besides, I got a whole lot more to worry about.

Namely, who is involved and in the know about my counterpart's death.

I need to know who knows of "my" death so that I know who to avoid and investigate.

Furthermore, There's also the mystery of this worlds' creation.

Semblances, Quirks both come from humans and can only be accessed by humans albeit by meeting specialized conditions.

but for some reason, when you awaken one, the other is no longer possible.

Weird since if I know correctly, semblance and aura that powers it comes from the manifestation of ones own soul.

Quirks, on the other hand, can only be awakened by possessing a extra joint located in the pinky toe.

By that logic, shouldn't it be possible for someone to both possess aura and quirk.

There's also the existence of Teigus, although they aren't as well known as the two mentioned.

If Teigus still exist in this world, then how come they aren't publicly known.

Not to mention, the Shinobi Arts' existence is an anomaly in of itself.

Curse Energy, Shinobi Arts, Teigus, Quirks, Semblance.

I know these aren't the only power that exist in this world.

Considering the abundance of mana throughout the atmosphere, its possible even magic exist here.

But that begs the question,


What does any of them mean.

Why do all these powers that can contradict each other are located in a world like this.

Does it mean something or did someone create this world with the intent of gathering them all here.

If that's the case then, what reason would they have for bringing them all here.

Are they preparing for something...




Are they preparing for...war?

(Short chapter for today... and sorry for taking so long updating this thing)

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