Prologue pt.3

374 3 0

??? Pov


That sure was something.

Seeing my own name on a gravestone

Never thought that will be a real thing.

But, back on the matter at hand.

What do I do for now?

3rd Pov

A boy, who looks to be 19, was seen walking around the busy streets of Tokyo.

He is looking around, with a troubled look on his face.

Sporting a black long sleeve, black jeans and black and purple shoes, he ponders on his next move in this unfamiliar world he finds himself in.

Unaware of the curious gaze of a  familiar white haired individual is currently giving him.

Gojo Pov

This kid...

Wasn't he the one that died a couple days ago?

Or maybe he's just someone who looks like him?

Either way, this guy's got potential.


I already got my hands full with teaching Megumi,Nobara, and Yuji.
Well, not like I'll lose anything if I try to recruit him

"Hey, ki-"
Hey, hang on.
Where did he go?

He was just walking there for a minute.

He does possess curse energy, but I can't sense it anywhere.

Did he sense me or something??

Either way, if he can completely conceal his curse energy.

That means he'll be perfect for information gathering and espionage type missions.

I got tell the others about this.
Not before getting sweets.

Heard there was a good sweets shop in her somewhere.

??? Pov

"Too close."

Ok, why is Gojo here?

I mean, this is Tokyo so it would make sense for him to be here.

But still,

Don't tell me he sensed me.

If thats the case, there's a high chance other people might sense me and try to recruit me.

I can't let that happen.

Not yet, atleast.

Not until I know what the hell is going kn in this world.

Maybe I should get a move on and get some info on what's going on.

"Timeskip to Nighttime"

"Well shit"

Alright firstly,

1. This world seems to be made up of different societies that follows different power systems.

The power systems I know as of now are;
Curse Energy
And finally, Shinobi Arts.

There's probably more but those seems to be the most prominent.

2. I or atleast the "me" that exists in this world is dead.

Atleast it didn't involve some large scale incident or it'll make moving around much more difficult.

Though, I am curious as to how he died.

3. There seems to be an artificial island on the southwest side of Japan thats around as big as a small country.

Worth looking into in the near future.

"That seems to sum it all up."

This is gonna be weird as hell.

I don't know who are in the know of my death.

But I can't risk being suspicious of everyone.

For now, that artificial island should be the top priority of my list to look into.

It might provide me a bit more info on how this world operates and could give me more insights on how their society works.

Also, weird that Japan is ok with a goddamn island near their country with some form of control or regulation on it.

Definitely most curious about it.

At any rate,

"I should probably find a place to sleep for now."

"I might be able to help you with that, but I'm gonna need you to come with me.

Finding you was quite hard, you know?


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