Chapter 27

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   That evening Lorena sat on the lounge, watching the water spray from the maws of the marble dragon, when the chamber door opened. Her handmaidens appeared and took her for her daily ablutions.

   They dressed her and led her back into the chamber. Sigrun picked up her brush when the chamber door opened. Lorena stared blindly into the mirror as Sigrun turned to see who had entered.

   "Out," a demanding voice ordered.

   Sigrun placed the brush onto the vanity and left Lorenas' side, then the door slammed shut. Lorena noticed a motion in the mirror behind her, then felt a presence press against her back.

   A tanned hand reached out and grabbed the brush, and slowly began to run it through her damp hair. Lorena continued to stare blindly into the mirror.

   A finger lifted her chin. "Stand up straight."

   When the finger disappeared Lorena allowed her head to drop. As quickly as it left a hand grasped her chin and jerked her head up.

   "I said stand up straight, you should never slouch, you're already short enough." When the hand disappeared this time Lorena kept her head up. "Look at me."

   Allowing her eyes to focus, she looked into the mirror at the King standing behind her.

   "No, smart remark? No defiant glare?"

   She continued to look at him expressionlessly.

   A hand grasped her arm and spun her around, then grasped her chin and forced her head up so she looked into his soulless eyes.

   "Have I so easily extinguished your fiery spark?"

   When Lorena didn't reply an angered look crept across his face, then he threw her across the room.

   Lorena hit and slid across the hard ground. She was faintly aware of the pain spread across the side of her body and face.

   "Have you given up already?" He called and kicked her onto her back. Lorena gasped as her body made a crunching noise and stared at the roof, unable to breath properly.

   The King disappeared then came back with a white sword in hand. He pressed the tip to her throat.

   "Have you truly got no more fight in you?"

   Lorena turned her face to watch him, making her peace with what was to come.

   The King sighed and turned to replace his sword. He gave her one last look over before opening the chamber door, and calling out before shutting it behind him.

   "You had more fight in you than anyone I'd met, but now you are as disappointing as Murtagh."

*      *      *

   Time began to lose meaning as the weeks started blending together.

   Lorena was not aware of how long she remained trapped in the chambers. With nothing to occupy her days, and the king haunting her with his presence at night. Her mind felt empty, and even the idea of going out into the corridors to find Murtagh seemed like too much. She spent most of the day on the lounge in the bedchambers curled in a ball, dreaming of Surda.

   Murtagh focused on his studies. He no longer looked for the love of his life in the hallways, even though his anger at her for failing their escape attempt had subsided. When he fell into despair he would close his eyes and remember the times they spent sleeping together, next to a campfire.

   He watched Thorn grow at an alarming rate, the poor creature suffering from both his accelerated growth and Murtaghs' internal torment that leaked through their bond. There were times that Murtagh thought about cutting off their partnership, but he knew that it would simply hurt the dragon more.

*      *      *

   "What is it?"

   Murtagh stared suspiciously at what appeared to be a glowing silver gem.

   Galbatorix reclined in his chair and exclaimed, "It's called an Eldunarí, or in the common tongue, a dragons' heart of hearts. At any moment a dragon can disgorge their Eldunarí, and whoever is in possession of it can use it communicate with the dragon over long distances... or my personal favourite, can use the dragons strength for themselves."

   Glancing at Galbatorix, Murtagh whispered in disbelief, "Who is this?"

   "Some hatchling," Galbatorix shrugged, "they're of no importance. This is your first Eldunarí, Murtagh. You are to use it to fuel your strength and make you a more powerful magician."

   A sick pit formed in Murtaghs' stomach as he stared at the trapped creature. He listened to Galbatorix lecture about the corrupt uses for Eldunarí, before he was given a stack of scrolls to study that evening. He tried not to get his hopes up, but he couldn't ignore the excited feeling creeping up, that this creature might be able to help him.

   Eventually Galbatorix stood, and looked down upon the younger man. "I expect perfection, Murtagh. Your father was a valuable servant, and I expect you to rise above him. With my guidance you can be one of the most powerful people in the land. I would hate to see you give up as Lorena has, because once you do, there'll be no need for me to keep you around."

*      *      *

   That evening Murtagh sat on his bed with Thorn trying to curl up in his lap, even though he was now far too large to fit. The Eldunarí sat in front of them casting a silver light through the room, and lighting up Thorns' scales.

   Taking a deep breathe Murtagh opened his mind and reached out to the creature within. He was rewarded with a sharp stab before it threw up walls of protection. Cursing, he backed away.

   It probably needs to warm up to us first. He said to Thorn, who tasted the air around the Eldunarí with a quick flick of his tongue.

    Let's try again later.

   He placed the gem on the table beside his bed and laid down for the night. What Galbatorix had said about Lorena wouldn't stop running through his mind, and he hoped that he might happen across her in the halls again, if only to warn her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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