Chapter 18

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   “I saw the Dragon Rider today. Murtagh, I believe his name is.”

   Lorena glanced at Kari as she trimmed her nails. Eira turned to her with a glistening grin. “I’ve heard that he’s very handsome.”

   “He is, grey eyes and long dark hair. He’s built solid and he’s probably well endowed elsewhere.” Eira and Lorena exchanged looks and burst out laughing, causing Kari to turn red. “What? I’m fifteen, I’m not a child.”

   Lorena buried her face in her free hand, trying to hide her embarrassment. Unsure if she was more abashed by her talking about Murtagh, or just the girl’s frankness. “I’ve heard that he’s almost thirty!”

   “No! He’s probably twenty.” The girl looked back at her work. “Anyway, he’s a man but not yet married.”

   “Well what are you going to do about it?” Eira asked, then grabbed Lorena’s other hand and began to file.

   “I’m not going to do anything about it,” she admitted, “but I can still fantasise!”

   “What about you, m’Lady? Have you seen the Dragon Rider?”

   “As a matter of fact I have.”

   “Is he as handsome as they say?”

   “Murtagh? I haven’t really thought about it…” She suddenly realised that even though she knew his features better than her own, she had never analysed his looks before. “He’s tall, head and shoulders above me. Dark brown hair—that people seem to mistake for black—brushes his collar. He has a nicely rounded nose, well placed cheekbones, and full lips. He’s well tanned and quite muscular and fit, from lots of exercise. He also has calluses.”

   “If I didn’t know better m’Lady, I’d say you fancy him.” Eira gleamed in amusement.

   She remembered how he had looked back in Farthen Dûr. “What’s not to fancy? When he spars he gets this sparkle in his eyes, and he doesn’t smile often but when he does he melts your heart.”

   Kari dropped her hands, which she had been examining. Eira opened her mouth to speak but Kari piped up first. “Why are calluses handsome? I thought they were a flaw.”

   “I like calluses.” Lorena grinned as remembered how Murtagh’s hands had felt against her flesh. “Strong, tough hands that could easily snap someone’s neck, gently caressing you, with no hint of the warrior except for the light scratches they make.”

   “You sound like you speak from experience.” Kari grinned back. “Does the King have calluses.”

   In a suddenly dampened mood Lorena dropped her eyes. “Yes. The King has calluses.”

   Lorena saw the girls exchange a quick glance before bowing their heads and getting on with their work. They finished off her nails in silence, then left, taking the lunch tray with them.

*          *          *

   Murtagh closed his bedchamber door and rushed to his washbasin. His magic lessons with the King were fast evolving and he was beginning to learn interest new things. Such as his lessons today, where he learnt how to scry.

   Thorn had been lying on his back next to a dresser—stomach bloated and a mouse tail dangling from his mouth—but now he ran after him, so close he was almost smacked under the chin with the backs of his heels. Murtagh ignored him and leaned over the basin, gripped the bowl and muttered in the ancient language, “Draumr kópa.”

   Blackness enveloped the liquid. He stared intently waiting to see something, there was a silver flash, then nothing. He wanted to see where Eragon was, what was happening in the Varden, and just to check if he and Saphira were alright. Gripping the edges of the basin he waited, then when nothing appeared he released the flow of magic and cursed. He wouldn’t be dead… he must have spells preventing anyone from scrying him, like Galbatorix put on me.

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