Chapter 13

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Galbatorix smiled, revealing straight white teeth. "Good, now tell me what has happened after you left Urû'baen."

Murtagh's hands clenched and he glanced down and Thorn, who's head drooped miserably. Murtagh took a shaky breathe then began to describe what had happened since his escape from Urû'baen, to his capture and transportation back to the capital. He spoke vaguely, only telling what information he had to, as he knew when he was done the King would take control of his mind and memories. When he finished Galbatorix nodded, "Now I'll see. Remove the barriers around your mind."

Murtagh looked back at Thorn and with great effort removed the barriers he had always kept strong. He then felt a presence pierce into his consciousness. Murtagh bit his tongue in an attempt not to cry out. The presence pierced further and Murtagh's body clenched. Galbatorix took control of his memories, beginning with childhood.

Murtagh looked across the room at his father. Morzan stumbled slightly, a glass in one hand and Zar'roc in the other. The sight of his father scared him, and Murtagh decided it may be a good idea to leave the room. He stood and made his way to the door, as he crossed the it Morzan spotted him and in a panic Murtagh ran for the door. He saw Morzan lift his right arm up and he smelt the strong odour of whisky, then a flash of red in the edge of his vision followed by an incredulous blinding pain tearing open his back.

* * *

Murtagh gasped and looked at the floor, his back burned just from the memory of it.

His new room was not as large as the one at his father's castle, but it was more extravagant. Murtagh made his way to the window and looked out over Urû'baen, many buildings stood as high spirals, made from an elegant mixture of glass and stone. Beside him was a dresser and to his delight Murtagh noticed on top was a sword, created small enough for a child his age to use. He gripped the pommel and lifted it off the dresser.

"You've found you're present I see." Murtagh turned to find a tall, solid man standing in the doorway. "My name's Tornac, and I'm the one who will teach you how to use that."

* * *

His vision returned to the throne room floor before delving into another memory.

He stared at the King in admiration and awe. "... under the Dragon Riders the Varden and Urgals will be vanquished and peace will ensue over the land." The King leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped and resting on the table.

"How will the Riders be reinstated," Murtagh asked eagerly, feeling himself almost bouncing out of his seat, "There are no dragon eggs left."

The King grew still, and stared at him thoughtfully. His remained in silence for a long time, and Murtagh felt frightened that he had offended him. Then just when Murtagh had decided he had made a mistake the King extended his hand and asked, "Will you, O son of my friend, serve me as I labour to bring about this paradise?"

Murtagh thought of the history behind Galbatorix and his father's rise to power, he knew of their evils but this vision of the Kings seemed far too compelling, completely wonderful. Even if he wanted to he didn't think he'd have been able to say no. "I pledge myself to you, and your cause, my King."

A satisfied smile spread across the Kings lips. "Then you have my blessing, I shall call upon you when the need arises."

* * *

The exhilaration that he had when he was called for a meeting with Galbatorix had now vanished.

"They're all traitors! Burn them at the stake and bury their ashes with dung!" Murtagh stared at Galbatorix in horror as he ranted, cursing his enemies and describing how he would scourge the land of everyone who bore him ill will.

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