Chapter 24

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   The morning sun spread across the fields, reflecting off the dew from the night, and lighting up both red hair and scales like a beacon. Lorena dug her heels into the stallion, trying to speed up the slowing horse, while Thorn soared along above her. She glanced at the creature, worried that someone may spot him, and even if his shape was mistaken for a bird that his flamboyant colour would not go unnoticed.

They continued to ride south, Thorn letting out an occasional joyful roar, causing Lorena to scold him, claiming that Murtagh said they had to be quiet in an attempt to obtain his obedience, with little success. Mid morning they happened across a stream, and Lorena gave no fight when the stallion made for it.

Dismounting she found her legs did not want to support her, and she collapsed in a pile on the grass. The physical exertion was one that she had come accustomed to, but the weight of her task was what struck her the most. She had never been alone in the Empire before. Yet she was in charge of protecting an endangered creature, one of only three dragons in all of Alagaësia, and possibly all over the seas. And most importantly in her mind, the partner of the man she loved.

Cool wind struck her as said dragon landed beside her and made for the water. The stallion was so engrossed in the well deserved beverage that he didn't even skirt away from the creature, who took a mouthful, then jumped into the stream. Lorena laughed as the animal frolicked in the clear liquid, causing the stallion to notice him and move away, both dragon and girl enjoying the moment too much considering their circumstances.

She continued to watch the creature for a few minutes before calling out to him, "Thorn, it's time to go."

He glanced at her, dived under the water, then climbed onto the bank. As he came into view Lorena laughed again. His chest and stomach were brown, guessing he had dived right into the stream bed Lorena reached forward to wipe the mud from him.

"Wait," she whispered. Where the mud rested she could barely see the red from his scales. "Thorn, do that again."

He didn't need to be told twice. The dragon jumped backwards into the water, washing the mud from himself.

"Damn. Come here." The dragon climbed out of the water, she reached into the stream, grabbed a fistful of mud and slapped it on the dragons back. He turned and hissed at her hand, so she scratched her nails against his scales and he shivered along his full length, easily distracted. She continued to scratch the dragon as she collected more mud, rubbing it along his body, tail, head, and lightly over his wings. When finished Thorn barely showed any of his natural colour. "Much better, let's go."

* * *

The pair avoided the roads, and when they spotted a town in the distance they did their best skirt it, and any prying eyes. The stallion fought for rest, continuously pulling off to lush patches of grass. Despite feeling sorry for the animal Lorena refused to take a break, worried that at any second someone might appear and drag them back before the king.

She shivered at the thought, then dug her heels into the stallion to speed him up.

* * *

When will Murtagh join us?

Lorena jumped and looked frantically around the dark fields.

Will it be soon?

The voice was familiar, and she looked up at Thorn flying above her. It took her a moment to realise that she had not heard him with her ears, instead the presence of a mind pressed against her. I truly hope so.

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