Fallen for my cousin's best friend (Part 1)(Rikara FS)

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A dark night,
A jail is shown, where a Inspector is checking on the prisoners, when he noticed light coming from a cell.

"Hey why are you awake still? Are you excited as you are going to released tomorrow" the inspector asked with a smile seeing the prisoner.

"No sir I am excited to see my nephew or niece. I am thinking of what to name them" he said with a smile.

"You were in jail for 5 years and never went to saw your family members whenever they visit you so they are possibilities that your niece or nephew must already named" the inspector said feeling bad for him.

"No sir my sister won't name them without me" the man said confidently

"We are in 21st century. Here people are fighting and killing siblings for money while you are talking like this" Inspector asked surprised.

"Whether it's 18th century or 21st century all types people are there on our earth. We simply feel like as years goes on humanity and love are getting decreased. And my sister is not only my sister, she is my daughter too" The man said

"A person like you can't do anything wrong. I was observing for past 2 years. You never saw your family who visited you but you also love your sister like anything. Why you were punished? Why you murdered that boy?" The inspector asked surprised

"25 years ago.... When I was 10 years old and my sister was 3 months old..." the man started saying the story.

A 10 years old boy is sitting with his mom who is holding her 3 months old daughter in a train.

"Mom where are we going? I feel hungry" The little boy asked innocently

"We are going to meet your father beta. Wait for sometime we will eat something" his mom said and took her purse and gave the little baby to him.

"I will buy something for us and come" His mom said and went out.

She opened her purse and saw she have only little amount of money which is only enough for her son.

"It's ok let him have food. I will have it after meeting his papa. He will take care of us" saying she brought a biscuit pocket and went to her children.

The train started moving.

"Beta here take this" She gave him the biscuits

"Mom you also have some" The boy said forwarding the biscuit

"No beta I am not hungry." His mom lied and saw her daughter who is crying.

"I need to feed your sister. Give her to me" She said taking the baby in her lap.

Upon reaching the place, the mother is shocked to see her husband's marriage pics hanging on the wall but the girl is the photo is not her.

"No... " She cried and her voice echoed in the whole mansion

"Who the hell is that" A man shouted revealing to be the woman's husband.

"Why did cheat me?" The woman shouted

"Oh you! What are u doing here? God! How will I get rid of her?" Saying he throws bundle of money at her face asking her to never returned.

The mother felt cheated yet she didn't even touch the money and left from there with her children.

While her son is seeing everything helplessly.

While returning,
"Mom we reached" The boy said shaking his mom but she didn't react.

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