Tum Hi Ho (part 4)

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Prerna and Anurag stopped kissing and realized what they have done.
"I should leave I think" Anurag said without looking at prerna and left from there.

While prerna kept sitting there itself in shock. In few seconds she came out of shock and started sobbing silently thinking about what she has done. Soon she turned too emotional and started crying loudly throwing the things near her.

She remembers how her father used humiliate her and how he behaved after knowing she works in a bar and her kissing Anurag after getting emotional and cried running to her room.

She fell asleep crying while hugging her pillow while Anurag was confused of his feelings. He never got this feelings with anyone. He never had any girlfriends even though lots of girls in his school and college days proposed him as he never find anything special in them but prerna was different. He liked her at first sight itself.

He remembers how prerna kissed him and realized even she likes him and smiled happily.

"Luckily I gave my card and asked her to come for recording this Saturday. I will ask her for a date then" Anurag said happily and went to sleep but that Saturday prerna didn't come to his place for work as she is feeling uncomfortable to face him.

She messaged him that she will come on Sunday if he is okay with it. Anurag said its okay and they met the next day. After the recording Anurag decided to take to her about their relationship but what she said shocked him.

"I was emotional that day as me and my father are not on good terms and his words hurts me and made me behave like that. Love and marriage is not my thing. I am sorry that I kissed you without your consent. Please don't over think about it and forget it" prerna said and looked at Anurag in guilt but he just smiled and nodded his head.

"I didn't think of it like that. I have already forgot about it. Let's be just friends" Anurag said hugging her while wiping his tears without her seeing and send her home.

That night, Anurag came home drunk making his mom sad and angry.

"You said you quit drinking? And now what is this?" His mom asked while he just smiled at her.

"All my life I never felt any feelings for anyone and for first time I fell in love but that girl rejected me" Anurag said and fell unconscious on his mother's lap.

His mother felt helpless but didn't say anything.

Days passed..

Prerna got famous and prerna and Anurag are always on trending.

Prerna asked her family to move in with her but they felt guilt of leaving her once and decided not to hurt her again. Her father also realized he was harsh to her for no reason but he doesn't know what to tell her and how to tell he is really sorry about his worst behavior.

Soon one day, prerna saw people commenting online that Anurag is using her for his needs and helping her for sleeping with him. She tried to ignore those comments but still it hurts her and her performance started lacking confidence.

"Prerna I know you are upset with people online but However we try this type of people are still there in our earth. We can't stop them. Try to ignore them. We know the truth about our relationship and that we are only friends. Please be the prerna who was confident and happy and not this one who is always sad and depressed.

Prerna smiled hearing him and told him something surprised him.

"Anurag remember I told you love and relationships are not my thing? I told that because of my relationship with my parents and the environment in which I was grown. I used to have a crush on this guy in my college days but my friend cheated me and got into relationship with him. She used to smirke at me all time and romance him just to hurt me. The small crush turned into heartbreak and the fights with my dad at home made me weak. I moved from there and started making new friends and decided never to fall weak in these emotions but you changed everything. You are too precious to me. That is why I was hurt reading all this comment. But I will get back to my old self soon"

"I also want to tell you something. From the moment I saw you I always wanted you but that day you said you don't want anything more than friendship from me and I was really heartbroken. I really loves you. Can we date? We can get to know each other and take things slowly. But only if you want" Anurag asked while prerna was surprised and emotional about it.

"Sure I also like you but please quit your drinking habit. Your mother and other people who works with us are sad about you" prerna said trying to make him understand.

"Few years ago, due to bad company I got into drinking and it becomes a addiction but my mother helped me quit it. Now after you rejected only I got into drinking and it will be easy to get rid of it as you accepted my proposal" Anurag said but prerna become guilt to know that he started drinking because of her.

"Sorry I never realized that I will be reason for your pain" Prerna said while Anurag asked her not to think about past and said he will take her on date in the weekend.

But Anurag realized it is difficult to quit his drinking again as he got addicted to it again. Once he went to a award function in drunk state and was about to embarrass himself in front of media but prerna deleted the footage with her sources and saved him and left with him before he can meet any other celebrity but this news reached people. Anurag's haters believed it and started talking nonsense about him while some people said it must be rumor but prerna and Anurag's parents know about and her parents asked her to stay away from him.

Prerna revealed that they are dating and her parents got irritated knowing it and said it was really good that Anurag helped her get famous but she shouldn't be with a drunken.

Prerna didn't listen to them and moved in with Anurag to help him get rid of drinking. His mother blessed prerna and said she already accepted her as his daughter in law.

Prerna spent most of her time with Anurag but he didn't stop drinking.

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