Fallen for my cousin's best friend (part 3)(Rikara FS)

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The next day,
Bhavya's father kishore's friend arrived with his family.

"This is my friend shakti and his family" Kishore introduce them while shakti's daughter riddhima saw om dancing happily with others, she gets attracted towards him and went to introduce herself.

"Hey this is riddhima" riddhima said

"Hi riddhima come let's dance" Om said and both enjoyed with others.

"Who is that boy" Shakti asked kishore.

"My sister's son" Kishore while shakti saw riddhima and om and smiled.


"Ahh" Gauri shouted scared when someone touched her on her way to kitchen and gets calm to see its bhavya's grandma who actually about to tap on her shoulder to talk to her.

"What happened beta?" Bhavya's dadi asked when they entered kitchen

"I thought that monkey came here also" Gauri said while dadi looks confused

"Who beta?" dadi asked

"That monkey which came from London yesterday" Gauri said with a annoyed face while dadi saw om's mom jhanvi cooking in the kitchen while glancing Gauri silently.

"He was brought up in London na that's why but he is good boy" dadi said trying to calm her.

"He was brought up in a house only na or his mom brought him up in any zoo" Gauri asked and saw jhanvi.

"Aunty you sit I will do it" Saying she started helping jhanvi with the dish and asked, "You itself say aunty you must have seen that monkey right? What I am saying is correct na" Gauri asked adding salt to dish.

"Gauri beta do you know who she is?" dadi asked worriedly.

"Yes dadi she is your relative who came for wedding right" Gauri said switch offing the stove.

"It's finished" Gauri said with a smile and turned to see jhanvi staring at her.

"What happened aunty? I have done the dish well" Gauri said confused.

"Beta now you were calling someone as monkey na... she is the monkey's mother" dadi said while Gauri was shocked

She smiled at her cutely and ran without saying anything.


Riddhima comes near om with the idea of making him fell in love with her.

"Hi om what are you doing?" She asked

"Nothing yaar just chatting with my dad" Om said

"Do you miss him?" Ridhimma asked

"Yes very much" Om said

"Do you love him?" Ridhimma asked

"What question is this? I love him so much. Don't you love your dad" Om asked confused.

"Yes I love him just like how I love halwa" riddhima said casually.

"Halwa? Even I love it" Om said sending messages to his dad.

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